Final Plans

"He started random fights within the streets of Teuton to the point that I had to come in to fix him up. After a long battle, I destroyed his Elemental Core which was his throat. So I have no idea how this guy could still be alive and causing trouble," explained Baldwin.

"Well, the information here says that Goibniu was a Metal Mage that could conjure up any weapons made out of metal during the heat of the battle. He could also manipulate metals that are around him to his advantage. I'm guessing his go-to weapon is mostly melee type."

"Another enemy that doesn't use an Orginal Spell... I'm going to have a hard time with this one since I'm powerless against those who use punching as their main way of fighting," I elaborated, sighing.

"I beg to differ after what you did to my spine and Tomoe's face yesterday!" yelled Bryan.

"You are wrong. This guy has always been a Mage and thus is a master of his main Element. He has an Orginal Spell, but it is the main stage of different weapons. However, I would call each weapon a stage since each has a unique spell. For instance, his sword is Poison-based."

"He has an Earth-based bommy-knocker, and his spear is lightning-based. The list goes on, but he knows that he can use Magecraft. So, with the final kid's description done, what are your plans, Elizabeth?" asked Baldwin, folding his arm across his chest.

I closed my eyes before rearranging the profiles into the proper order. Then, after hooking this terminal to the cloud of the Old Chapel, which was a connected web of all the devices in the house, I gathered all the data from yesterday's discussion from the central computer for Z's room.

Baldwin and Bryan looked impressed as more screens popped up that could only be from Z's room. I even managed to pull back the audio recordings and the map of the enemy's house and overlapped with the profiles of the children.

"Did you get Z's permission to do all this?" asked Bryan, looking at the screens.

"No, but I figured that he would understand it was the most logical thing to do as a person who knows technology as much as him," I said, typing furiously.

"Unless I can send a Mage to determine which of these rooms belongs to the five kids, I could determine the best route we should take once we arrived at the mansion. And if we are going by the tunnels, we would have to break through the dirt and into the enemy's tunnels."

"Like what I proposed yesterday, we would be using the cover of the storm heading for the Teuton Domain's West Coast and entering the tunnel connecting to the Briton Domain. Judging from the combined map here, we should create an opening here to break into enemy territory."

As I explained my plans, I pointed to a dead-end on one of the maps' tunnels closest to another hall from the enemy's underground facility.

"I have no Mage that can perform your request, Lizzie. So, what would we do once we get into the enemy's base?" asked the Valkyrie.

Hm... I should've known that wouldn't be possible. I moved the profiles away from the map and enlarged the diagram. The underground facility was designed to remind me how a tree's roots grew underground. It didn't have winding tunnels like the Cave Map.

The enemy's base had random tunnels that hit dead-ends and five large empty rooms. The rooms were all on different levels, with the largest one at the extreme bottom. The rest of the rooms were on the sides of the main tunnel. So my best bet is to make sure we get to a dead-end first.

If we did so, we would have connected the Cave Map tunnels with the enemy's base, and we could use that opening to make a quick escape, or reinforcements could use that to help us.

"The plan remains the same; we are to break through the dirt to this 'branch' from the tunnel we are leaving. However, with the noise created after breaking through the walls, we would have to act quickly and head to another tunnel," I explained, enlarging the map.

The only branch nearest to our tunnel was the one nearest to the bottom of the 'tree,' where the enormous room was located. I felt unease as I didn't want to place ourselves at a disadvantage by forcing our backs into the walls, but I had no choice.

Unless we're splitting up when we enter the enemy's base, I would feel comfortable entering through the only branch. One more thing is that the most significant room would mean the strongest Mage would be there, discounting Fabian Brookes.