Is It Working?

"Why are you doing this?" Maya asked dully.

Vincent decided to tell part of the truth behind his reasoning. He didn't think she would react well if he let it all slip. "I don't want you to get sick."

"Oh." There was a long pause afterward before she thanked him. "Sorry for disturbing your work. I won't do this in the middle of the night again."

"Why did you do it in the first place?"

He hadn't meant to ask but it was a valid question. People typically didn't scream while jumping on trampolines in the middle of the night. If he had to guess, she hadn't been sick earlier at all. Simply upset by something. But what?

Maya looked up at him and her hazel eyes looked much older than usual. Like they had seen every terrible thing the world had to offer. Vincent knew that look well because he saw it almost every time he looked in a mirror.