An Anomaly

Maya took the plate out of the microwave and set it down on a different counter before moving all of her things and stacking them into a neat pile so they could sit next to each other at the island and eat. Stacking things up made them easier to move afterward anyway.

She started digging into her piece of lasagna and burned her tongue. Four bites in and she found the middle was freezing. She sighed. Reheating things always seemed to go this way.

"I may not have thought this through," she admitted. "Using one plate made it so even less heat got to the middle than usual."

Vincent's lips twitched. "I think I can fix this."


He took the plate and stuck it back in the microwave before pressing a bunch of different buttons. "I adjusted the settings. It should be more evenly distributed this time but the outside is probably going to be scorching so we might need to wait a minute."