How On Earth Did That Happen?

Maya tried bringing everything down herself but couldn't quite manage it. Vincent picked up her slack before she could even ask for help. She had noticed that he could be surprisingly considerate like that at times.

The way his workstation in the garage was set up involved a cluster of worktables shaped sort of like an L. Only one of them on the far end was unused so she guessed that one was hers. She began setting her things down and spreading them out like before until she realized something.

"There isn't a chair here for me," she pointed out.

Vincent set what he was carrying down as well. "Cassandra, I need the desk chair from my office."

"Yes, sir," the AI replied.

Maya hadn't realized he even had an office. She hadn't bothered exploring the parts of the house she hadn't been shown directly because she hadn't wanted to intrude. This was Vincent's house more than it was hers and she knew that despite being given so many privileges here.