Are You Teasing Me?

Maya headed over to her front row VIP seat and played a game on her phone until she heard an announcer begin to do a little introductory bit about her husband. She quickly stashed it away and listened intently even though she already knew everything he had to say. 

  "Ladies and gentlemen, we are honored to have our next speaker with us today. He completed his PhD at the impressive age of seventeen and has since stunned the world with a variety of technological advancements including but not limited to bionic limbs, remote controlled underwater welding, and nanobots capable of cleaning up oil spills. We warmly welcome Dr. Vincent Carlisle!"

Vincent walked out with his default blank expression, unaffected by the applause. His eyes scanned the crowd, possibly looking for Maya, and she waved so he would see. He definitely did because a small smile appeared on his face and he did a tiny wave back that not everyone would be able to recognize as a wave.