Am I Your Friend?

"You understand me better than anyone else ever has," Vincent said lamely. "I enjoy our conversations, your insights on various topics, and doing fun things with you. You're also the first person to ever stand up for me. I'm getting more out of our arrangement than you think."

He couldn't believe he had just said all of that out loud. That was borderline sentimental drivel and he hated that more than anything else. But nothing he said was untrue; it was how he really felt. 

Maya tilted her head curiously. She sat up straighter and a rather baffled expression appeared on her face as something clicked in her head. "Vincent, am I your friend?"

That question was certainly unexpected but she wasn't wrong. He had thought about that very thing last night after she fell asleep during the movie. "Yes. I know I said that isn't what I brought you onboard for and it truly wasn't my original intention. You ended up surprising me."