Had He Completely Lost His Mind?

Maya would never be truly at peace considering what she had been through and Vincent was both asexual and aromantic. Though it would be more accurate to say asexual and antiromantic. He hated anything remotely sentimental. 

Honestly, with how much he hated sentiment, it was astonishing he even considered her a friend. Friendship was a sentimental construct. 

She wasn't a huge fan of sex after everything that went down with two of her ex-boyfriends. They had both been sex addicts and they did a lot of terrible things to her  in their never-ending quests to be satisfied. 

That was part of the reason she accepted Vincent's offer. Never having to go through that again appealed to her. Scott was a grade A creep but Maya could acknowledge that their relationship would have fallen apart even without factoring that in because of her sexual trauma.