"What's your next class going to be?" Jack asked Eve when they both stood in the halls and rummaged inside their lockers.

It may be a coincidence but his own locker was also close by so they could still talk to each other.

"I got art class next.", Eve answered and took out her sketchbook.

"You like to draw or is it just to fill in your curriculum?" He could already guess the answer to it since he could see some raw drawings bleed through the pages of the sketchbook that have been used.

Eve thought about it for a moment. "I do enjoy drawing, but lately the teacher somehow takes the fun out of it. She got me to do a rather annoying task that I'm still stuck at. I already submitted a bunch of my works, but they all ended up being denied."

"Really? That gotta suck. Is she that picky about art? I thought it's a bad thing to criticize students for their own visions. Can I see some of your work?" Jack raised a brow at how the art teacher was so picky.

"Well, in her case it's not that bad. Normally she is also very lenient on everyone's talent. It's just this one dumb thing that she seems to be adamant about." Then Eve flipped a few pages of her notepad and showed him a drawing. "Here is one of my recent works."

Jack took the pad and looked at the drawing. It was very well done and he somehow felt inspired by it.

[Drawing leveled up a little from analyzing different concepts. You found out about Eve's drawing skill level - it is a solid 33/50 by my calculations.]

The chiming of KISS's voice got him raising a brow but he just ignored it and put it to the side of his mind and smiled at Eve.

"Can't see any problem with your skills and talent in art. Your drawing is great. You got great anatomy here and the angle at which she flies is also well done in action..."

What Jack was looking at was a drawing of a superhero that looked very much like Supergirl. If he had to guess, it was actually Supergirl that was depicted on it.

"Are you aiming to become a comic artist later?" He added with a smile at her while giving her sketchbook back.

"Really...?" She seemed to look sceptical at her drawing. "I'm not sure it deserves that much praise though. After all, I can't get my teacher to accept them." Eve rolled her eyes lightly and sighed after that.

"You should keep at it since it would be a waste to stop here. Maybe it's just the topic that doesn't mix well with you?"

"I'm not sure. I don't even know if I really want to continue with this. You seem to be certain about your future self somehow."

"Well, in my case I can't deny that I have a goal in mind becoming a musician. And I will do my best to follow that path. Though I will only see what will become of it later as well."

"And you came to this college? Wouldn't it have been better to visit a specialized one for music then? It makes your comment about it being a waste a little bit less impressive, you know." Now Eve scoffed, but it was a playful jab at him.

Jack laughed lightly. "That's true. But it kinda was a last-moment decision that I made in the last few weeks. And since I already chose Computer Science before that, it ended this way. But really, it doesn't matter that much. If you and I keep at it, everything is good to go. I'm sure of it. And a detour ain't so bad either since I get to know certain people."

He literally personified that last sentence. Even though he was less than successful, he still ended up being a musician in his last life. Something that he was proud of and what he really wanted to do. Taking a small detour was not that dramatic in his opinion.

Time was...a rather weird concept for him currently when he thought about it.

"So you major in Computer Science? Are you good with tech?" She seemed to be asking this with genuine curiosity and without any weird afterthoughts of him maybe having chosen that topic nonchalantly.

"Actually, I think I am. Maybe?" He laughed now. "Well, let's say I will be. Some things overlap with music there, so it ain't a real waste. Already working on something. Maybe I will even become a Game Developer if nothing works out. I hear they earn a decent amount?"

"Really now? That your backup plan or something?" Eve raised a brow and smirked at him in disbelief.

"What? Can't I have diversified tastes? I can easily make a new Guitar Hero. That's for sure."

"Do you even like games?" Now her eyes widened a little.

"Uhm...I think you would be hard-pressed to find any guys that aren't interested in video games?" Now Jack raised a brow at her surprised question.

Eve was silent at that and nodded. She thought he was right about that. It's not like she had many male friends, to begin with. At least not those that were close enough to her where they would spend time doing gaming.

"It's just a little bit surprising. You don't seem like the type to play video games.", she said now.

Jack raised his brow even further. Then what was her impression of him? Don't tell me she thought about him being the school's cool guy that constantly went to parties and so on.

By the gods, no. Parties were alright from time to time but being on them constantly is hell in itself. He could still remember his poor liver and kidneys doing many strikes against him for overdoing his nights from the past life.

If he could, he would spare himself that immense pain in the arse. And literally, kidney pain is no joke.

"I guess I am full of surprises in that case?" He shrugged his shoulders.

Eve just rolled her eyes at that. "Well, anyway. We probably won't be having many classes together besides some of the basic ones then."

Jack nodded back and with a quick look at his own schedule, he could see that his classes coming up were actually Math, Science, and C. Science.

"Hmm, yeah it looks like I got classes coming up that are more relevant for my major now. We will have to split paths here for the time being."

"Then let's just meet at the cafeteria later at noon when we get our break. Just like we planned."

"Sure thing. Then I will see you later, Eve."

"Yeah, see you later, Jack."

With that being taken care of Jack continued to his next class.