Jack's next class was pretty uneventful, to say the least.

Math was just not really one of those classes you would call breathtaking in the slightest, just plain logical thinking to the very core. And as long as you remembered how to apply a formula, it was easygoing.

Though the teacher he had in that subject was pretty much a chill guy and actually transferred his knowledge rather well too. So he decided it was now one of the more enjoyable classes he had.

But what kind of bad karma did he collect in his last life to end up together with a guy in science class.

Not that he really cared about gender here. Jack was more fixated on the guy's attitude.

In general, this whole school seems to be a little bit too chaotic with how things are arranged.

Well, it only adapted the mixed version not too long ago after all. So it was normal for various people running around that did try their luck or those that just went along with the flow.

Anyway, looking to the side he saw this muscular rather tall blond next to him staring at each flask of chemicals on the experimentation table as if he looked at some sort of magical fluid.

It was just pure pain watching that because the guy was not looking at it the way someone would be doing so when they are fascinated with the art but more in utter confusion.

Jack had to actually split his own concentration on various occasions so that he would not become some victim of this fellas barkeeping.

No scratch that. It would be an insult to a barkeep who knows what he is mixing together.

"Dexter...Dude, if you mix that stuff you are holding right now you are going to ruin your equipment..." Jack looked at him with a nearly deadpan look.

Jack himself knew that chemistry was a thing to be dreaded but this guy clearly took it to the next level.

Thank god it didn't really matter what this guy did. It would not affect his own grade. At least that is what he had thought at first.

"It seems like your brain is still that of a neanderthal. That's another F. Just keep to your sports, Mr. Briks." Then the Asian woman that joined the two of them glanced over to Jack's side of the table. "That's a D."

"Wait, what? How come I get such a shitty grade straight from the start?" Jack was surprised that he got such a bad grade from the very first lesson.

"That is an appropriate grade for dimwitted people such as yourselves. If you keep simmering that liquid you will also get an F." She added and just didn't seem to care about his complaint.

"Excuse me!? Ain't that a little bit too much? Besides, I don't see the mistake here. You are the one that explained the experiment wrong then." Jack rebuked in annoyance for being called dumb. This woman didn't hold any punches back.

"..." The Asian woman that had the typical modest chest and thin figure stared back at him as if looking at some idiot. Her hands were already back in the pockets of her white lab coat.

This woman right here was his science teacher.

She remained silent and just sighed after lightly rubbing her glabella with one hand. "Having to take care of each and every step is a nannies job. Do I look like a nanny to you, Mr. Frost?"

"No, but that still doesn't mean you can nonchalantly grade me that badly, Ms. Okita."

"I can't? I wonder, should we bet on the result of what will happen if you don't open that valve and let the gases escape the flask? The liquid inside sure had been simmering for a while by now."

Jack frowned and looked over to his equipment.

He actually forgot to open a small valve that needed to be open for anything to happen. That is beside the whole thing going to implode in his face if nothing really changes.

Noticing the small mistake he probably made while getting distracted by Dexter, only got his mood further down.

So he could only sigh and remain silent while opening the valve slowly and keeping track of the other reactions happening.

"Did you get it now? There are still mistakes you made so that will end up as a C. Get better and we can talk about your grades another time." Ms. Okita noted this down on a clipboard she had been carrying underneath her armpit and then wanted to walk away.

"Why are you being so degrading to people?" Jack asked clearly aiming to find that out why she had such an attitude.

"That is because someone like me doesn't like babysitting students. Every day I feel like my brain is rotting away with taking care of you all. Then there is that Principal that blocks my private projects so that I can concentrate even more on you. Guess what happens to my mood with all that bullshit? If you want to blame anyone, go to that woman."

"So you were handed a bad card and want to blame us for it?"

"Being thrown out from a respected research institute because people were against the growing influence I had in the company is being handed a bad card? If you had any clue how that destroys your very future, you would not talk about it. But then again, you are only a student. You have no idea of how life works."

'Yeah, right. And it definitely does not have anything to do with your jackass attitude. I can't even feel pity for you.' He kept his thoughts to himself and tried to make some amends.

But Ms. Okita just ignored everything he wanted to try and say after her own words and walked away to the next tables.

'God, this woman. I even have her in Computer Science later. This is going to be a headache.' Jack was still very pissed from her last insults but that attitude topped it all.

Especially telling him that he knew nothing about how life worked pissed him off majorly. He went through enough shit himself to know how it all comes down.

Then again he also could only sigh because he knew what she was talking about as well.

Should he say he was lucky or unlucky again? Lucky for having a good science teacher or unlucky for her having such a whatever attitude.

'Tsk.' With a sour face he started to focus back on his tasks.