It took quite some time until his science class was over and only the bell freed him from this hellhole.

When he finally could get out of the room, he felt relieved to the point where stretching even got some cracking sound from his joints.

His body was all tense ever since he felt unstable and aggressive. It is already to the point where he slammed his locker shut without noticing it.

Why did he suddenly become even angrier?

There was a certain someone that pushed his wrong buttons. He was so very close to strangling Dexter in class.

He started to pester him in doing his workload as well. Yeah, he literally stopped doing anything and pushed everything to him.

It was enough that he was annoyed already but getting talked to like that by another student was stretching it. So he told him a clear no.

But what made it even worse and was basically the reason for his near wrath-filled outburst was that this idiot didn't just keep asking.

No, he actually started threatening him to beat him up if he didn't do as he asked.

And that was exactly the moment when Jack's mood hit rock bottom and his annoyed look frosted over into a serious one with a deep scowl.

His mind started to dwell on old memories that went by like flashes of light and the fear of being bullied resurfaced.

It was a shitty feeling gnawing at his chest, deep in his heart. They were not his own experiences but the lingering emotions that still defined his old self. No, they were his now.

But he would be damned to let them hold him further down. Looks like he would need to get this settled with at some point with a psychiatrist.

If it didn't make him feel depressed, it started to make him angry. Either of those extremes was not healthy in the long run.

"Are you kidding me? Listen, buddy...If you don't want your balls cut off and end up as a eunuch, you better don't EVER talk to me like that again."

Jack's words were filled with such venom and a glare that was literally screaming he would not hold back if this guy dared to talk again.

"Do your own shit and maybe you won't be as challenged as you are."

He was a person that would help others and he did give this guy hints but he also wanted to be treated the same. That he dared to go that path told him that he was probably the jackass of school.

He literally was the reason why most jocks were viewed as dumb brutes.

At least he seemed to have been wise enough to get it after getting told off. So some brain function remained in this musclebrain.

Well, he also very well may have gotten scared that Ms. Okita would see his behavior since she was glancing over to their table.

Whatever the case may be, Jack would not anyone talk to him like that.

Luckily this tense moment solved itself right at the ringing of the bells.

And that is what brings us to this very moment of him trying to calm down. This whole day has been nothing but stress.

The only good thing that happened till now was literally him making a friend and nothing else.

It somehow made him rethink this whole college thing. At least for now he decided to completely ignore Dexter. He would also see to it that they were not paired together.

Pushing all the negative aspects aside he could now somehow relax.

In the room where the personal computers stood, it was rather calm and quiet. There were only a few other students present.

So it meant that this class was only visited by those that majored in it. Only some nerdy-looking people glanced over to him strangely.

But by now he could only say he was happy that there were no stupid idiots in this class. Though the familiar face of Ms. Okita still brought some degree of annoyance.

So taking the class he noticed that they were currently learning how to code.

That brought him to start developing his own program for recording and streaming. It was after all the future of the internet and with a good program, he could bait most streamers into using it.

Even if the program itself was free and people just brought some small widgets that would make usage easier, it would amount to not that small amount of pocket change.

Doing the tasks he was given by Ms. Okita was easy anyway so it was no problem whatsoever.

There was even a moment where Okita stood once again behind him.

"Not bad coding. It looks like you do have some use for your head." She commented on his running code.

Jack raised a brow while still typing away on his keyboard. "Thanks, I guess?"

"What are you trying to make. From the looks, it seems like software for recording."

Now Jack turned his head to her and was surprised to see her look intently on the code.

"Wait, you are genuinely curious? No insulting or otherwise snarky remark this time around?"

She looked at him. "Do you want one? Here is a mistake in a bracket. Your code would overburden the computation unit. It would make most of the hardware bottleneck and that may result in bad quality or worse, your PC would light up into flames."

Jack didn't say anything anymore.

She was right since he was only making a rough code and later smooth everything out. he only had about an hour to work on this so it was alright to only have a rough construct.

With a simple USB-Drive that he had with him, he could finish it back home anyway.

The more surprising thing was that he somehow now believed that this woman actually had some brain on her shoulders and was not just talking out of her arse.

"It's just a rough construct I will later finish. It's a program for my private use since I don't want to buy recording software that costs money. Why bother buying when you can do it yourself."

"That is true. Hmm, you know what? If you ever want to earn some credits to your science grade, I would have something you could do for me. Though it would have to wait for a while."

'What is this sudden change in attitude? She clearly wants something and is suddenly holding back on her tactlessness.' Jack already figured out she was being overly nice for her standards.

But he also could get behind that as long as it is nothing too weird.

"Does it have anything to do with coding?"

"Yes, what else would I ask from you anyway?" She remarked.

'Ah, there it is again...'

"It's fine. I will see if I really want that extra credit." Jack replied.

"Good, I will tell you if I have things ready. It will be up to you then. Oh, and it seems you won't be needing extra credit in this class."

"..." Jack sighed out.