Chapter 11: How to Banish a Zombie

The zombie's breath of rotten meat and spoiled eggs gags me. I twist, trying to get away.

"Brana-Brene!" Kiarr shouts.

My heart leaps at his voice. I've never been so happy to hear someone in my life. But what can a ghost do? His sword went right through Gwen.

Still, I can't bring myself to give up hope. "Help."

He narrows his eyes, his sword drawn. I hold my breath as he brings his sword down on the creature's back. The zombie howls in pain, rearing back, his body shifting off me slightly.

Using all my strength, I shove my feet up and into its chest, kicking away hard. But it's still crushing me under its weight.

Kiarr thrusts the sword down again, this time across the zombie's neck. I squeeze my eyes shut, cringing, preparing for the squirt of blood. The creature shrieks as though in pain. Yet, nothing happens. I open my eyes and the zombie is whole with no bleeding or cuts that I can see. Then why did it make that god awful sound like it had been hurt?