Chapter 12: To Touch a Ghost

I blink as sunlight pours into the room and have a huge deja vu moment. Am I back in the hospital? Was everything about going to the Academy a dream?

"How are you feeling?" Melanie scoots her chair up next to the bed. "Didn't know you had necromancer skills like that."

"Me neither." My voice is hoarse. I glance around, realizing that I'm in my dorm room. "H-How long was I out?"

"All night and most of the day." She shrugs, touching her bandage at the back of her head. "The nurse is a healer so we both were able to recover quicker than normal. But she said something odd about you."

I cringe. "That I'm human and don't belong here?"

"No." Melanie shakes her head. "That your wounds were less than they should've been even before she healed you. Almost like you had been wearing a protective shield or something. She's never seen anything like it."