Chapter 18: Past Loves

A soft knock sounds on my door and I wipe my face. How long have I been crying? "Just a minute."

I shuffle to the small bathroom, cringing at my red, puffy eyes. My heart feels like it twists into a hard, glob. Why didn't I let Lance examine me and show him that I haven't gone near any vampires? I sniffle.

Sorrow slams into me again and I cover my mouth to keep from crying out.

"Brene, are you okay?" Melanie calls from behind my door. "You missed the free brownies, but I saved you one."

I don't feel like I'll ever be able to eat again. If I don't answer her though, she'll probably sleep outside my door or send the ghosts in to check on me.

When I let her into my room, her expression falls.

"Shit. What happened?" She shakes her head, closing the door after her and handing me the brownie wrapped in a napkin. "No, never mind, if you don't want to talk about it, I understand."

I sit down on my bed, picking at the flaky brownie. "My boyfriend?" I hiccup. "He-I think we broke up."