Chapter 22: Magical Pop Quiz

I turn from Kiarr and place my hand on the marble angel's carved one. The graves around me flip upside down and sideways. I feel like I'm falling through an endless black hole. I clench my teeth to keep from screaming and close my eyes. God, this is just like the first time.

Pinpricks jab along every inch of skin. Every one of my hairs stands on end. My body feels like it's sizzling.

I crash onto the grass, dry-heaving. For a moment it feels like someone is rubbing my back. But when my stomach calms and I open my eyes, there's no one around. The marble angel, twin to the one back in the states, looms above me. She looks exactly the same as the last time I was here. Could she somehow have comforted me? Or was it whoever the haunting grey eyes belonged to that helped me through the leylines when I went through with Melanie and nearly lost my way?