At the end of the day, I flop across my bed, kind of excited about the idea of making a wand, and glad Mrs. Jonas is a hands-on theory professor rather than just spouting facts.
My Magical Theory textbook is splayed open and I flip through the descriptions of wand making and trees until I come to the end and the Yew tree, reading:
Even when part of the Yew tree has been cut and or dies, the toxicity is still present. This is because of Taxine, a toxic alkaloid component in the leaves, bark, wood, and seed of the Yew.
So like Kiarr said. I follow along with the description, hunting for more information.
When making a wand or any magical or mundane item from Yew, one must wear a good respirator mask with eye protection and gloves, especially whilst sanding Yew. Disrobe and wash afterward so that the dust from sanding doesn't settle on the skin.
Okay, good to know. I make a mental note of bringing extra protection when I go to class next.