Chapter 31: French Reincarnation

I snap my eyes open and I'm in the duplicate graveyard in France. The sun is low in the horizon, but there's no sign of the ghost vampire or whatever he is or the werewolves. I shudder. Gwen isn't here either.

Blood covers me and I crumple on the ground. I've got to get to shelter before the sun sets or I've just left one nightmare for another. If the wolves don't come after me, I know the vampires will. The scent of my blood will draw them like flies to honey.

I shift my leg and shooting pain hurtles through me. I gasp, panting until the pain subsides a bit. I can't stand much less walk.

Beside me, the leyline pulses with that gray color I saw before, but I know what it is now. It's that damn vamp ghost. He tricked me. There's no way one of my past lives had ever been involved with him.