Gwen left me. The backstabbing bully took off and now I'm stuck here in the leyline. Stupid, stupid, stupid. When will I learn not to trust a bully? They never change.
A coldness snaps around me. I shiver, wrapping my arms around myself. There has to be another way out of here.
Maybe I can reopen the portal?
"Semitam inter mundi ut aperiat incolumes transeunt." Is that right? Or is it, "Semitam incolume aperiat sinter mundi ut transeunt."
Sparkles of light burst like fireworks in front of me. Yes, that has to be it.
"Semitam incolume aperiat sinter mundi ut transeunt," I say louder. "Semitam incolume aperia-"
A whoosh blows my hair in my face. My insides twist cause whatever is behind me can't be good. Slowly, I turn. My heart gallops against my breastbone.
Four wraiths float in the air a few feet away. One of them twitches, tilts its head back like it recognizes me. Then it looks back to the others.