Completing Challenges

Lorn vividly remembered what he did just now, so he couldn't delude himself into thinking he was hallucinating. He somehow felt unfair about it all.

"You're not affected by these souls?"

"The bloodlust thing that Adrian was talking about?"



"Not even a bit?"

"Maybe I feel a bit woozy in the head? And I don't mind the smell of blood that much. It even smells kinda good. Maybe coz it's because these bodies aren't rotting yet."

Lorn decided that it was just him that was getting affected too much.

"I'll ask about it when I get back, I guess."

Yara looked over. Since she understood the cause, she looked much calmer. 

They gathered the souls, but Lorn wasn't in a hurry to absorb them. He wrapped them around with his own misty soul and dragged them to the town. Since they already killed their quota, there was no need for them to linger around.