The World of Iais

"From now on, the real challenges are coming," Esther said. "Are you sure you want to continue?" 

Lorn was familiar with this. After 10 challenges, the difficulty would always go up a few notches. His skill related tasks would become even more complicated and he would soon be fighting the deadly Bloodgiants and Bloodkin. 

But it wasn't like Lorn struggled with the previous ten challenges, so he nodded without hesitation.

"Please give me the 11th challenge."

Esther harrumphed. He pulled out a bloody glass container from thin air and gave it to Lorn. 

"Take this. Put it 30 meters away from the ripple and crush it. Remember, exactly 30 meters, no further, no closer."

Lorn peered into the glass and saw a tiny little heart inside it, pulsing softly under his gaze.

'Fucking hell…'

"I suggest you wait for that red-head before setting out," Esther said. "She should be receiving a combat order soon enough."