The dream

"What happened here?" Lorn couldn't help but ask. 

Their surroundings were dead silent. If they didn't see the few lights that were coming from the houses around and the few guards patrolling, they really would've thought that Vexis had become a ghost town.

No children ran through the streets, no vendors sold their goods and no couples walked drunk hand in hand. 

They were in the inner city of Vexis. Walking through the outer city inhabited by soulless, some level of desolateness was expected, but it definitely wasn't normal in the inner city. 

They were only gone for two days for the Trial, what the hell happened in between?

"Maybe there was an epidemic or something," Sybil commented, "All the guards are wearing gloves."

Some of the guards in question noticed the four's gaze and eyed them suspiciously, whispering to each other.

"What you looking at?" one suddenly shouted.

"What happened to the city?" Sybil asked.