A chat at night

Lorn tried convincing himself that it was just a dream, but what he experienced was definitely not normal. A dream about forced suicide, Sybil managing to feel it, and his jumbled senses after waking up. 

Lorn didn't know how often people dreamt about suiciding or dying, but he knew for certain that he himself never had a dream like this. If he had to have a dream like that, it would've been when he was stuck under Elan's control. But with freedom just around the corner, Lorn had no reason to dream of death. He even managed to teach Elan a lesson!

As for Sybil sensing something wrong, it could only be explained by their spirit bond. When they first leveled it up, it said that they both cared for one another. It wasn't impossible her to sense something amiss. 

The jumbled senses, however, had no explanation. Lorn could ignore it if he was feeling slightly cold or hot, but the bucket of cold water he drank almost scalded his innards.