
Lorn and the other three's lives became oddly peaceful. Adrian and Sybil weren't really people with much drama in the first place and most of Lorn's and Yara's mess was resolved. 

Well, most of Lorn's problems concerned other people anyway, stuff with the cadets, with Min, and also with Irene. 

The only thing that was worrying was Pavel's state after what Yara did to him. The day after, Yara spoke to her father and he was constantly asking about what happened inside the game. Apparently, Pavel had locked himself in his room and was having constant panic attacks, but Yara acted as if none of it was her problem. 

She only calmly narrated how when she logged out of the game in the middle of the night, she found Pavel without pants, removing Yara's underwear. She then kicked him in the balls and shoved him out of the room. After that, instead of defending Yara, her father was trying to break into her room, sounding awfully like he was about to beat her to death.