Long Meili

[Host, Do you wish to learn: Knowledge and Experience about the cooking of the land. And spin the Supreme roulette wheel?]


After I mentally said this to Sys.

My head began to gain many images, methods, experience and knowledge...I really became a God Cook, at least in earth cooking.

[Spinning Supreme Roulette in 3... 2... 1... ]

After I learned everything. The Roulette wheel began spinning at high speed, leaving me unable to see what items the supreme roulette wheel has.

After a few seconds that seemed like eternity to me, Sys spoke.

[Supreme Roulette, reward: Impurity Cleansing Pill, Divine.]

"..." That was a very good thing, and Qin Yami was surprised by his luck. Again speaking, as a good xianxia reader...Anyone knows what such a Pill is for, and according to the system information, the Divine Grade is not at all low or bad.

A Pill appeared in my hand, and I immediately swallowed the pill. And I must say it was very, very painful.

"AAAAAAAAAAAHH..." I screamed with tears in my eyes, unable to see the things around me. For my eyes were already closed and my body was shaking.

It was as if I was being melted and reshaped, rebuilt...All Impurities from my body were disappearing.

10 minutes later, the pain stopped. My body shook with exhaustion, I was about to pass out. I looked at myself and the floor, and was disgusted, for it was very stinky and disgusting. Black liquids were dripping and my body was covered in a black shell.

I was exhausted but still, I got up and started to clean all the floor and then I took a shower, I was in the tub for more than 1 hour.

Getting up from the tub, I looked at my skin. Before I was the definition of being a handsome man, but now? I guess I could be called the God of Beauty. I became much more attractive and the aura around my body, it was as if I was Pure but also Dangerous.

My physique before was lean, but now I am taller and more defined, Im not pumped. More like, highly defined, every muscle in my body looked like it had been sculpted by "God" himself.

After taking my shower and cleaning everything, I threw myself on the bed, and fell asleep at the same second, like a child.



A few hours before Qin Yami woke up.

[POV Long Meili]

Hmm* Yawn* Waking up I slowly open my eyes, and was in shock.

I see myself on my bed naked and lying next to me is a man also naked.

I became angry and immediately got out of bed, with immense murderous intent pouring out of my body.

My mind started working and it was like: BOOM!

The memories of what happened flooded my mind, making me remember everything.

Me being drugged, and going back to the Sect, I found this injured man. After that, I raped him.

I was filled with anger, sadness, determination, shame, and among many other complicated emotions.

I immediately gritted my teeth, summoned my Space Ring spear that was on my finger. And I aimed the spear blade at the man's neck....

"..." More looking at his beautiful and innocent sleeping face, I managed to calm down minimally and think a little better. After all, I was the one who brought him to my room and started to do...

I turned red remembering everything. I wanted to kill him but I couldn't, looking at him...

I removed the blade of the spear that was pointing at his neck and put it away.

Sigh* 'I don't care about his identity, but from the moment I had relations with this man, he will be forced to be my husband and so vice versa.'

I must say that his beauty ended up attracting me and even without my "will", he was still my first man. But this is not the main reason...

The main reason is a secret of mine, which only the former master of the Azure Mountain Sect knows, Lil Shaun my adoptive father.

Truth be told, I am not Human.

In reality I am a beast, demonic beast...Many names can be said, the main one being: DRAGON.

I am a demonic beast, more specifically a Black Dragon. I was born into a small branch of the great Long family, The Dragons.

When I was just a child, my clan was hunted down and exterminated. Reason? It was greed; Dragons, like other demonic beasts, possess countless nutrients for cultivation, forging weapons, armor...

My clan could have defended itself at that time, but it had countless traitors. I don't remember much about that traumatic day, but there is one person that I will definitely not forget. Long Nil, son of the clan chief, a traitor...


I am also somewhat rare among Dragons.

For example:

Red Dragons are known for their nervous temperament and anger...In addition to their high attack power.

Green Dragons are known for their gentle and kind nature...They are great at being alchemists.

Blue Dragons are extremely sensitive and curious, their power being no less than that of the Red Dragon.

These are just a few examples.

In my case, according to my mother's teachings, before she died. She was also a Black Dragon.

Black Dragons are known for their obsessive nature...Besides being one of the strongest Dragon species in attack.

Due to their obsessive nature, the first man who takes the virginity of female black dragons, ends up awakening their obsessive nature. Making them unable to think or love another man, Female dragon black want to have their first man, as a husband. But usually always ending in tragedy, after all it is normal for a man to have a harem. Bringing on the anger and sadness of the female dragon black, resulting in revenge and after that, they kill themselves. For without living with their "love" it is torture...

As well as creating a husband and wife connection as the attraction on both sides increases.

They are also an extremely monopolizing species.


Long Meili, did not want any man. But as things turned out, she will follow her mother's teachings, or at least that was her claim, little did she know that her obsession or as some might understand: Yandere. Was awakening.

"N/A. Basically Black Dragons, both male and female are Yanderes...Sometimes a little Tsundere."


I pick up my set of clothes that was on the floor and store them in my space ring. The clothes were "honeyed".


I turned red again, and unconsciously glanced at the man who will be my husband, who I don't even know his name.

At least he's not ugly, although he is weak. But I'll help him get stronger.

I take a black and red robe and armor that was in my space ring, and get dressed, after all this set of clothes is clean, not a bit honeyed.



Leaving the bedroom, I close the door with a key. She didn't care if he would break the door, her whole room has formations and the material is of excellent quality...

Taking one last look, Long Meili closed the door, she had a long job in the Azure Mountain Sect...
