Married Sect Leader?

[3 Person POV]


Looking up at the sky, Long Meili flight to the peak of the Azure Mountain Sect, where the Great Main Hall was. The Place where Long Meili stayed most of the time to handle the affairs of the Sect.

Taking a deep breath and checking to see if hickey marks on her body were properly hidden...

After opening the huge doors of the hall. She was greeted by all the elders and some disciples who were there, bowing slightly they spoke in unison:



With a nod of approval, Long Meili sat down on his throne. And sent for all elders and inner disciples of the sect.

Seeing everyone present, Long Meili took a deep breath and spoke in a loud and domineering voice, with a majestic aura surrounding her, "I, the master of the Azure Mountain Sect, have called everyone as I have an important announcement."

"..." the Silence of everyone was present, after all, the sect mistress rarely called everyone. So it must be something important for her to have called everyone.

"I, Long Meili am getting married."

".." If before the silence was because they were attentive and focused on the words from the Sect Leader . Now the Silence was out of shock, surprise, curiosity...And mostly Envy, truth be told. Long Meili is very beautiful and talented, any man in the sect once dreamed of having relations with her, but that desire is no longer possible.

For she is married.

Long Meili looks at everyone and becomes angry, seeing the elders paralyzed with their mounths open in shock... She was angry because she knew that some Elders wished to have her as their wife.

"Is that true?" An Elder asked with a face saying, Please say no.

"Yes, does anyone have anything to talk about?" She asked with a smile that wasn't quite a smile.


Everyone present in the Great Main Hall swallowed dryly at the sight of that beautiful yet extremely dangerous smile.

Some quickly said, "No, my congratulations Sect Master on your marriage..."



[Qin Yami POV]

Waking up from my sleep, I get up and go to the bathroom to do my needs and take a nice shower. I am a little anxious after all I haven't met my wife yet, I don't even know her name.

I notice that my body has become much stronger and it is easier to channel and control my Qi. My "vitality" is also stronger.

Looking in the mirror, my eyes are more purple, as if they contain within them a great abyss of stars. My black hair has become longer and shinier.


My cultivation has increased, I am currently in the foundation establishment of Grade 3.

Although I didn't notice it before due to my exhaustion.

"N/A, Long Meili's Yin Qi added with the Impurity Cleansing Pill, increase Qin Yami's cultivation that had not reached the foundation establishment before, making him go straight to Grade 3."

'Sys, do you have any missions available?'

[Host, missions will only be released when you meet your wife].

".." Sigh*

I could have tried to leave the room but I noticed fluctuations in the walls and doors. Besides I need to meet the woman who raped me, doing the system missions is of utmost importance.

Feeling warm, I remove the part above my classic cloak xianxia or protagonist cloak.

Still in the bathroom.

I decide to start cultivating, after all my sudden increase in strength may destabilize my foundation.

Sitting in classic Lotus form. I start to circulate the Qi in my body and pull the Qi around me.

I stayed like this for hours when I suddenly hear a noise coming from the door. I immediately stop cultivating and become alert.

I get up and go to the bedroom door, and see the person who raped me



I mean my Wife...I stared at her and she stared at me, it was an unpleasant silence but we didn't look away.

I must say that her beauty really is divine.

We were silent for a few minutes.

The woman decided to break our silence: "What is your name?" looking at me like an investigator.

"Qin Yami, that is my name"

'Nice Name' Long Meili thought.

Once again a silence dominated the room.

This time I broke our silence:

"What is your name? And why did you raped me?"

I decided to be direct with my questions, because I think she is beautiful. But I definitely don't want to mess with the "Heroine," to have a Mc and other men fight with me because of a beautiful woman? BRUH, IMPOSSIBLE.

"My name is Long Meili, and about your second question..." Long Meili with both cheeks slightly flushed, began to narrate the facts, about her being poisoned by the Heavenly Sword Sect Master and getting a little "Hot";Then she ran away with her domesticated beast "Yue" a grifin from snow...After finding me she couldn't stand the poison and ended up eating me....

That really is a nice story, but the question that won't go away from my mind.

Wouldn't it be in this situation that Mc appears and saves the Heroine, getting her heart and purity?'

I was about to speak, when she interrupted me with a proud face.

"You are my husband from then on, Haha~, Be proud Human"

Because she said human, she is also human. Is she crazy?


Sys had already told me about being married, so it was no surprise. But her pride for raping me and marrying me without my permission, I didn't expect.


".." Seeing my silence, Long Meili became angry and shouted as he threw himself on top of me.

"Aren't you happy? I will be your wife, you should thank the gods for such luck, I am strong and beautiful; isn't that enough? Or maybe you want a harem?

At that moment I felt her squeeze my neck and press even harder on top of me. I felt her round, soft buttocks Touching the my "Great Dragon," which was flying high by the minute.

Long Meili was sad to see Qin Yami's silence, even she didn't understand. But she wanted him to be happy to be her husband.

She felt the bulge grazing her buttocks but decided to ignore it...

"I AGREE, I'M DEFINITELY HAPPY, I NEVER WANT A HAREM" I shouted with sweat pouring from my forehead.

Long Meili was confused by her shout, but immediately smiled happily, and still on top of me says:

"I announced that I am marrying the whole sect knows I'm getting married, I didn't say it was you, I just said I'm marrying a man."

'He is still weak for the Sect and my enemies to know that he is my husband,' That was Long Meili's thought.