Chapter 69: Final preparations

Another month slowly passed and the fighting between the Mizukage's forces and the rebellion only got fiercer, Yagura had realized that he was losing island after island, ninja after ninja, he had realized that the rebels had slowly started to outnumber his forces, if before he could send 4 of his ninja against 1 rebel, now he could at most afford to send 2, and even then it was not enough as the rebellion got stronger as more people joined in, many of Yagura's own ninja were betraying him so he had no choice but to fortify the defenses on the main island as much as possible, to do that he had to give up the rest of the islands though, this caused some of his major trade routes to be cut off, which was extremely dangerous, if the rebellion was bigger they would be able to take over the rest of the islands that Yagura's forces still resided in and completely cut off their trade routes, if they managed to do that then they would simply have to wait until Yagura's forces slowly died, there was only so much food that could be made and most of it wasn't that great, the Land of Water wasn't the greatest place to grow crops so there was often a shortage of food, if they weren't able to trade then there would be famine and countless would die.

Of course, this wasn't possible, simply because of the fact that the rebels didn't have enough forces to take over that many islands and be able to fortify and defend them, their forces were running thin as is, it wouldn't be wise to spread them out even more.

One thing that did happen was that Konoha had decided to send reinforcements to the rebels, in total 5 Jonin, 25 Chunin, and 32 Genin had been sent over, the Genin would help out around the base, and the Chunin would fight in battles, while the Jonin would either train the rebels or participate in highly dangerous combat until now not a single Konoha shinobi had been lost so the Hokage was pleased enough to send over resources as well as provide a place for the civilian population of the rebels to stay at, there were various villages in the Land of Fire that were willing to help out so the civilians had a nice place to stay until the war ended.

On Naruto's end, things had been going quite well, with the use of some mass Genjutsu Naruto had managed to gain the support of hundreds of people, shinobi, and civilians alike, all he had to do was wait for Mei to give him the ok and chaos would ensue, Yagura wouldn't even know what hit him until it was too late.

The major threats to Naruto's plans were the 4 swordsmen of the mist that still allied themselves with the Mizukage, the Anbu of Kiri, and the man that had put the Mizukage under a Genjutsu, he had no idea who would be capable of such a thing, perhaps an Uchiha that had deserted, but it had to be someone with at least Kage level skills, maybe someone that focused on Genjutsu.

But it still didn't make sense to Naruto, Genjutsu would automatically be broken by the Bijuu that resided in a Jinchuriki, Naruto supposed it was possible if the Sanbi had also been put under Genjutsu but that would be absurd, the only person that had ever been capable of putting a Bijuu under Genjutsu was Madara Uchiha, someone that had died a long time ago.

So Naruto was worried, if that person was capable of staying undetected this long and be able to control a Jinchuriki then he wondered whether there were any others being controlled by him, the most likely answer was yes, but Naruto would need to use observe on that person to make sure.

But after a total of three months, plus the two he had spent outside of Kirigakure, Naruto and the rebels would finally be able to win the war.

Naruto had been contacted by Shino, Mei had given him the instructions that he had to prepare everything within 1 week, the second Naruto started causing chaos within Kirigakure Mei and the rebels would all attack, and if everything went according to plan a single night is all they would need to defeat the Mizukage.

Naruto had also gotten a great new quest, he had gotten quite a few good quests but nothing that gave him major rewards, this quest however, would.

[Defeat the Mizukage

The Mizukage's tyrannous reign has to be stopped, you have been tasked with causing chaos in Kirigakure and defeating the Mizukage.

Hidden objective(s): ???

Rewards: 25,000,000 Exp, Water affinity, Water Jutsu scroll, Chakra of the three tails, Upgrade Card.

Hidden Rewards: ???

Failure conditions: You are unable to defeat the Mizukage, if Mei Terumi dies, or if the Host dies.]

This quest was an important one, and it was the first-ever quest that had hidden rewards, he could only imagine how good those would be if the normal rewards were already so good, another upgrade card would be amazing for Naruto, he was still having a hard time deciding what to use it on, but this would make the decision a lot easier.

So Naruto called the commanders of his revolution together and gave them the plans, in a week the entirety of Kirigakure would be put up in flames, there was no reason for the village to stay, they would need a fresh start, the old village would simply remind them of the countless mistakes that had happened within its walls.

Naruto spent the next week working on explosion seals and fire jutsu seals, he then went around Kiri planting them all over the place, he made sure that his own forces wouldn't be hit and that they would cause as much chaos as possible.

Naruto then prepared himself, he would be fighting a Kage-level Jinchuriki, he couldn't take it easy.


You can read 8 chapters ahead on my patr eon!
