
In a world full of darkness and hatred, there would always a hero who is deemed worthy to lay judgement upon other but who would judge the hero if they were in the wrong.

What would you have done if your happiness was a lie. If everything you had was not yours to begin with. My angry eyes reflected in his sorrowful ones.

'' I don't understand...'' the world went cold but my veins ran with icy fire.

Searching for the words to say but, nothing.

Nothing I said could possibly be right in this moment. I found the words...or maybe they found me and I mumbled under my breath.

''What?'' The man grazed at me longingly.

''The town shall burn.'' His face conveying shock, only for a second before it shifted into a smug grin.

"We'll end them together."


Her boiling rage hidden under a calm exterior. Her breath visible as she breathed through her anger. This was his fault. He did this to her. If it weren't for him, she wouldn't be here right now.

The room was unforgivingly cold where she stood, back against the frigid pole that kept her glued to the floor, the freezing shackles biting into her wrists.

Judgemental eyes hovering from the stands, craning their necks to bear witness to her humiliation.

Everyone liked a show.

"You stand accused of the massacre of your village." The king announced from the papers that he received.

"I did it."

I had nothing else to say. Not like anything I said could help me. I knew what would happen before I decided to take my revenge.

Silence spread throughout the throne room before the council erupted into chaotic chatter and mumbles.

One member after another exclaimed to have me executed. Soon, debates on what to make of me rose as if I was not there.

Unease rippled through the guards, who lined the room like pillars. Murmurs

rolled like waves from the rest of the crowd.

"Silence!" King Edus commanded. The courtroom fell dead silent and he turned to my direction.

"Do understand that you not supposed to agree with the accusations?" He questioned.

I lead my gaze to the throne.

she looked at him, his clothes where matching the golden picture frames that where hanging on the castles walls. They looked expensive, painted pictures of the kings that where before her time. Some she recognized, some she didn’t. She always thought he was annoying, him now leaned against the wall with the before mentioned pictures frames.

"Since she can't defend herself, I will do so for her."

She couldn't protect anyone.

"But how?" One of the council members questioned.

"You will kill her." He spoke without hesitation, his voice soft.

They stared at him with wide eyes and mouths agape. It was true! How did he even come up with that?! Why would he let such a vile creature live?! What kind of monster allows an innocent to be murdered like that!

He ignored everyone's protests and stood from his seat to place one finger on top of my head.

"A death wish?" A small smirk graced his features but his expression softened when he faced the king. "Father, I think we should spare her."

He raised an eyebrow in question. "I thought you didn't want her killed-"

My heart raced when King Edus began to speak again. "No, I meant for her. She deserves to die because no human being should ever be treated like a beast or worse, just because they look different. It isn't right."

I froze at those final few words. The prince's gaze flickered over to me then back to his father, whose jaw hung open.

Wasn't right? Was it any different than killing the wolves who came across your way? Or was it any different from murdering the people that deserved it.

King Edus sighed and nodded. "Very well..."


I stared at the ground, hands clenched around the handle bars of the cell that held me prisoner. I felt the tears rolling down my cheeks and my lips parted to form words that I never uttered out loud.

It was a nightmare.

There's no way this is real; I can't be dead. I need to wake up.

Wake up! Wake up!

I shook my head violently. No! It wasn't real; I'm fine. I'm perfectly safe. Everything is going to be okay.

My hands began to tremble even more until finally, I gave up.

A sob escaped my throat, the sound muffled by the concrete that made up the floor of the cell.

There was a tell-tale clicking of boots that echoed down the corridor.

The door slowly opened and I flinched, expecting to hear someone call my name, but it remained quiet.

I waited patiently for someone to arrive.

I kept my head hanging low, knees drawn up loosely, almost casually, if it weren't for the lines of tension in her shoulders or the pure anger etched into my expression.

After some moments, the footsteps halt just outside my cell.

Slowly, almost predictorily,I lift my gaze, finding myself met with two golden blown eyes staring down at me. There was confusion, surprise and a hint of amusement behind them.

"You." I said, my voice low and gravely. "you dare come here and show your face."

His expression unreadable.

I was trying desperately to keep my emotions in check, he could see that, but what those emotions were, he didn't know.

He's not sure he'd ever know.

"I'm not the one who got you locked up here." he replied, coldly.

"You are the reason my home burned to ashes and the only person I loved died."

He cocked his head slightly at my words, a frown pulling on his lip. "Then why are you still alive?"

"Because you're the reason I am. You and everyone you associate yourself with," I spat.

"How can you sit there and accuse me of something so stupid? How can you act like all that happened was a mistake, when all of these deaths were because of you?" he laughed.

"You've killed hundreds! And yet you still act like you're innocent, like it was all a misunderstanding! What a load of rubbish!"

I was silent, watching him with any expression that he identified as guilt. I felt guilty.

he only felt anger.

Kaz stepped closer and placed a hand against one of the bars.

"you don't get to feel guilt. You don't when all of this is your fault. You best wish you never get out of here, princess, because this time, I'm really going to kill you. I'll kill everyone in this forsaken place that used me for their own selfish gains and I will make you watch."

Tossing a bundle of keys in front of me.

"The guards are knocked out so I suggest you leave quickly." was the last thing he said.

Before,he turned on his feet and disappeared out of slight down the stone corridor until the Clicks of her shoes faded into nothing.