Disaster or Opportunity?

All the elders were no longer as relaxed as before. Even Supremacy Divine Jade was worried and wore a solemn expression now.

"Alas, I originally thought that there was still hope for us. Unexpectedly, the hope is becoming slimmer and slimmer. This kind of unforeseen event is not something that can be resisted by human power. Immediately summon the 11 elders outside to discuss it together."

In the end, Supremacy Divine Jade made the decision to summon the other 11 elders. Such a major matter must be discussed by all the elders together.

Hence, everyone waited quietly in the hall. None of them spoke, and the atmosphere was rather solemn.

Lin Feng swallowed all those Boundary Stones into his internal chiliocosm domain. Right now, he was cultivating almost constantly. Or rather, his cultivation was producing worlds.