Are 2.6 Trillion Worlds Not Enough?

"Supremacy Divine Jade, do you mean that while the collision of three small chiliocosms might bring some hidden dangers, it's more of an opportunity? An opportunity for the Dark Domain Supremacy to become a Three-star Supremacy?"

Elder Ether's eyes widened, and even his breathing quickened.

"That's right, it's an opportunity. Since the resources of one small chiliocosm are not enough for Dark Domain Supremacy to become a Three-star Supremacy in such a short period of time, what about two or even three small chiliocosms? Is that still not enough?"

"This… is really an opportunity!"

Many elders caught on. As the saying went, wealth was found in perilous odds. It might seem like a huge disaster, but in reality, it was an opportunity. Once he obtained the resources of three small chiliocosms, the possibility of Lin Feng breaking through to become a Three-star Supremacy would also increase greatly.