Chapter 139

|3rd POV|

Alduin opens his mouth and releases a massive ball of fire. The ball of fire flies down to the Night's King and kills anyone near it. The undead king raises its staff and rises from the ground three massive and thick walls made of ice.

The fireball easily destroys the first wall, slows down in the second, and stops at the third one. However, the third wall is destroyed by Alduin, who follows the fireball and hits the Night's King with its head.

The Undead King flies away from its throne and lands on the ground a hundred meters away from his horde.

While Viserys and Alduin are chasing after the Night's King, the people in the fortress make sure the fortress still stands when he returns.

"We need more arrows here!"

"Arrow! Arrow!"

People who are not fighting are also busy carrying ammo from the armory to the wall. The undead keep coming and even use their comrade as a shield to prevent the Wildfire from touching them.

Their attack might not do much to the barrier, but they still do damage, and one of the Black Dogs sees something above her.

"Above! Above! The barrier already has a crack!"


The Grandmaster of the Alchemist Guild looks up and sees a small crack in the barrier. It is not much, but seeing it, there raises some concern.

"One of you! Go to the basement and push some mana into the barrier anchor! Make sure to push them to that spot! Go! Go! Go!"

Vyran, who notices something is wrong with the Black Dogs, looks up and widens his eyes at sight above him. At least a hundred undead throw their bodies from the cliff above them and land on top of the barrier. What makes matters worse, they keep coming.

"It looks like they are doing this."

Vyran looks at his right-hand man and says,

"I temporarily give you a command of this army. Make sure the barrier in front does not fall."

"Yes, sir!"

After saying that, he quickly runs to the tallest tower and looks at the captain leading forty archers.

"Captain! Focus on the above!"


He looks up and looks at the undead using anything, even their limbs, to punch the barrier.

"Bloody hell! Oi! Aim above! Above!"

Vyran quickly went to the bigger tower and gave another order. This time he arrives among the Alchemists.

"Oi, can one of you throw your vial that high?"

One of the alchemists nods and says.

"We can, but it will break on the ground. The barrier will not solidify on our items; they only solidify for the undead."

"No problem. I got this."

Vyran takes out his bow.

"I will shoot it when it reaches the undead. Will the liquid be dangerous if it falls? I need to make sure."

"No. We already make a fail-safe in case we miss our target. The liquid will quickly evaporate if it does not touch the undead. With that height, it will evaporate before it can touch the ground or anything solid."

"Great. Throw one of them on my mark."

One of the alchemists nods and sees Vyran knock on his arrow.


The young alchemist nods and pushes the trigger of his potion launcher. The vial flies into the air and passes undead. An arrow hits it when it reaches its highest point and slowly falls. The vial breaks, and the liquid inside splashes at the undead.

While Vyran is taking care of the one on top of them, the Grandmaster of the Alchemist guild is taking care of the one coming at them from the front; Melisandre looks at the distance.

Her eyes follow the movement of the giant undead in the distance. They use undead mammoths as their mounts. Melisandre looks at them, slowly getting closer, and when they reach a certain distance away from their base, she takes a deep breath and starts to pray.

She prays for a few seconds, and when she is ready, she opens her eyes.

"Oh, Lord of Light! Show the world your might!"

After she says that, the ground starts to light up, and suddenly, seven giants made of lava and fire appear. The fire giants have a crown made of gold and hold golden swords. When one of them swings its sword, it generates a wave of fire that turns any undead into ashes.

Seeing the incoming fire wave, the undead giant takes out a deep blue club and swings it. The club hit the fire and turned it into ice.

The club in its hand is a special club the Night's King made for his invasion. It will change many things into ice that he can use as a weapon against the living.

Melisandre takes a deep breath and raises her hands. Five fire giants dash forward and clash against the undead giant when she does that. When five fire swords and five ice clubs meet, it creates a shockwave strong enough to throw the smaller undead away.

Melisandre focuses on her golems and lets the others protect her.

In the sky, Rhaenys and Daenerys kill as many undead as they can, but even with the help of their dragons, the number is too much, and quite a lot of them manage to slip away. However, without them, the undead will already break the barrier.

They did not know that someone was watching them; someone was watching the two princesses from the underground. It was a man but also not. He is more akin to an undead than a man. His soul is a collective of hundreds of souls stitched together, and they only want one thing: a new host.

And the others start to notice as well.

"What are you doing?"

Leaf, the Children of the Forest leader, asks the man with a frown.

"What am I doing?! Saving the world! They will doom us all!"

"Doom us all?! They are the prophesied savior of the world! They are the three dragons! They are the ones who shall save us!"

"No! It should be the Song of Ice and Fire! The prophecy I made! The prophecy that shall save the world! I will not let a Red Demon's prophecy get in my way."

"And what about the dream you have? The dream where dragon's fire will wash over you and kill you, for real. Your soul shall burn, and no one will remember you; even your books will be turned into ashes."

"No! That is a false vision. I'm the spinner of destiny, and I shall reclaim my throne!"

Leaf and the other Child of the Forest know that the man they ask for help has lost his mind. Thinking about it, they should be able to see it a long time ago when the so-called first Greenseer started dwelling in Necromancy.

However, the threat of the Night's King is bigger than that. As long as he gets results, they are content to let him dwell in that magic. Sadly, he dug too deep into that magic and now starts to lose what he is. At first, he was a kind and wise man, and now because of hundreds of souls stitched together, he loses his mind and is consumed by madness.

The Children of the Forest decide it is time to go. It is time to accept the reality that they made two problems, and now they must face the consequences. The first one is the Night's King, the personification of Wrath. His wrath is so intense it becomes cold. The second one is the personification of Greed—he who is wise and hungry for knowledge now hungry for power and sunk into madness. The first greenseer, the first who can see the future blinded by what he wants, is now trapped in delusion.

With a flick of her finger, Leaf and the rest of the Children of the Forest disappear. They arrive near Draconica Castle, hidden among the forest. If the mortals win, they shall offer their life to the Dragon King. If they die here, then it is the end of the world. In the end, they will face the consequences of their actions.

Back at the underground lair of the Three-eyed Crow, the man looks to the sky and smiles a nasty smile.

He was about to raise his hands before a massive torrent of fire washed over him and killed him. Above his lair are Alduin, Viserys, and the Night's King fighting with each other.

Ultimately, he died not with a bang but with a silent torrent of fire from a dragon. The prophecy he tries to run from catches him and makes it a self-fulfilling prophecy.