
Rey quickly moved to the elder's residence which by his luck was situated in the corner of the large property. He inwardly sighed and increased his speed and he thought about why the elder lived so far away from the mansion.

He at last reached the elder's residence which contrary to public belief was not very fancy. It was around 1800 sq. ft in area with one floor above it. It was small compared to the mansion but it was enough for a family of 4 to live comfortably.

He went up to the door and found a door knocker instead of a doorbell. Though, the inventors have found a way to create bells which worked by infusing attribute essence into them some 70 years ago, the elder's house still had the same old door knocker.

Rey sighed at he grabbed the knocker and lifted it, veins popped in his hand as he brought it down, making a loud damp sound. The weight of the knocker was so much that an average person will not be able to move it without straining himself.

The door opened to reveal a stairway on the left leading to the first floor, adjacent to it was a modest kitchen and on the right was a drawing room which took most of the floor space as it used for important meetings.

A servant approached Rey and instructed him to go up to meet the elder as he was meditating in his room. Rey went up the flight of stairs and knocked twice on the door. After some time he entered the room and on seeing that the elder was still in meditation, quietly sat down on the chair near a small table.

Though, he had come here countless times, it was his first time coming to the elder's room. He looked around the room, only to find nothing. The room only had a double bed, a closet, a large mirror with a table connected to it and some paintings.

"I see you've come at last!" The elder opened his eyes and sat opposite to Rey.

"Wha.... what do you mean elder?" Rey was nervous ass he knew that the elder would've sensed him and Ed fighting, but he still hoped that he didn't and acted innocent.

"I thought that you'd just keep fighting my grandson and wouldn't come."

"Well..... that... "Rey knew that he had done it and just sat there.

"I was about to ask the Mayor to escort you to my place so that the guards could be protected from your nutcracking." He took a sip from his tea and looked at Rey whose face was now pale with fear. Out of all the things and people, he was most scared of the Ed's father, the Mayor (particularly his spanking).

Once when they were small, Rey and Ed both trampled the Mayor's self curated garden while playing, and when the Mayor came to know about it, he spanked both of them for an hour straight and without any mercy. They weren't able to sit comfortably for days and since then, Rey has been scared of the Mayor.

"I... am sorry elder!" Rey apologised as he didn't want his ass to get spanked a second time.

"Hahaha!!..... it is nice seeing you being apologetic for once and drop the whole elder act, it doesn't suit you."

" Yes elde.. I mean grandpa Yan, calling you elder was also leaving a baad taste in my mouth."Rey was now back to being himself when he felt that he was out of danger.

Grandpa Yan gave him an angry look and vowed to teach him a lesson.

"Let's get to the main topic, the author has written too much useless things. "Grandpa Yan got to the main point of this meeting as he finished his cup of tea.

"Yes, I was also thinking whether he would get to the conversation but I guess he will. "

"I have been meaning to ask, but why were you so shocked at the ceremony grandpa?"

"That is the reason why I called you here. Before that tell me, what is the current system generation?"

"It's M" Rey instantly replied.

"And what is your system generation?" Elder Yan smirked, he believed that Rey would be able to figure out the rest given his intellect.

" Ah!..... my system belongs to generation A, making it older than the rest" Rey paused to think for a moment. "but many people including you have systems belonging to generation L. So what's the problem?"

'This dumb brat!' Grandpa Yan sighed to himself.

"Let me explain" elder Yan took a sip of his newly brought tea, "you know that a new system generation is introduced every 100 years?"


"But have you thought what happens to the systems that don't get bonded with anyone?"

"Nope!" Rey replied with a straight face.

"I figured that much. Listen carefully, you will not be told this until much later but as it affects you I'll be telling you now.

Contrary to the popular belief that the leftover systems are left untouched but as there is no current incident of someone bonding with a system from a previous generation, except you of course.

The 12 sapiens have theorised that the leftover systems are somehow destroyed. So, after a 100 years of generation M, no one will be able to bond with a generation M system ever again."

"But how are they destroyed?" Rey was not able to control his curiosity anymore.

"Hmmmm....! Well, when the author finally thinks about the reason, I will tell you. Till then, it is confidential so I can't tell you. "

As if understanding something, Rey suddenly got up from his seat and spoke up

"That means... "