"How is this possible?" Rey tried to put up a convincing act to fool his system, "The person talking must be a fearsome expert to even interfere with my system."
Rey continuously tried to piss off his system and eventually managed to do so successfully.
[Ughhhhh..... can't you see, I am your system. YOUR SYSTEM. You blind uncouth of a person.]
"Hahaha!" Rey started laughing as he couldn't bear his system's reaction.
[Why you laughing?]
"I knew it was you, stupid. I... I tried to trick you and you fell for it. Hahaha!"
His system was dumbfounded as it got tricked by a mere 15 year old.
(Inner thoughts)
[This..... this I can't accept this. But what can I do?]
[Harming the user is not possible but.....]
[Ah! There is that too, it may be a bit risky but it'll get the job done. Hehehe! Rey get ready for an electrifying end to this day.]
Rey was lying on his bed trying to imitate his system's reaction when a screen flashed in front of him. He stopped to take a look, but when he couldn't read what was written, he ignored it.
The screen again appeared in front of him but he simply ignored it again. No point in looking at something he couldn't even read.
"Hey system! You there? This blind uncouth of a person calls your presence. Haha!"
His system meanwhile was frustrated at Rey for ignoring the messages and thus spoiling its plans.
You need help?
[Who is this?]
Ummmmm.... someone who could possibly help you. Do you want me to?
[I don't have a choice, do I? Go ahead.]
That easily.
[I just want revenge, everything comes afterwards.]
With the systems permission, a screen again appeared in front of Rey and as expected he ignored it. But he failed to notice the 10 second timer on the screen.
8... 7.... 6....3.. 2.. 1
"Haha.....AHHHHHHH!!" Rey who was still laughing screamed in pain as his body convulsed and he fell to the ground.
What the system did was that, it just interfered with a built in emergency mechanism such that the subtle electric shocks which were used to reinstate normal body functions now brought pain to Rey as the voltage was beyond the healthy range.
"Ahhhh.... sto.... ahh.. stop it!" Terrible pain was coursing through his body as he wriggled on the floor.
[Haha! Now try being all smug face Rey. Apologize first or I'll not stop this.]
Rey was getting pissed at his system who defied its user's command. He could not get out of this predicament and apologizing was not an option for him hence, he tried hard to think of a way to counter this. He thought of various ways to escape, finding different methods to stop this shock but all of them required him to move, which was not possible in his state. He was in great pain when the fight with Ed flashed in his mind and getting an idea, he decided to act on it.
He used the same technique he used to fool Ed to make it seem as if he was in danger. This technique was taught to him by Ed and was his family's traditional technique. It for a brief period of time stopped the user's body functions giving the impression of being unconscious or even dead depending on the user of the technique.
The system was asking him to apologize and was getting a little impatient as the shock was staring to affect Rey's health bar. Though the damage was not much, but over a period of time it accumulated and now his health bar was light yellow. But even after all this, there was no reply.
[Quit acting Rey, I know you are not unconscious. Apologize now or I'll not stop.]
The system tried it's best to persuade Rey to apologize but there was still no reply. The health bar now became dark yellow and as the system was about to speak it was left dumbfounded.
The slowly decreasing health bar suddenly picked up pace and it started to decrease at an alarming rate, reaching rock bottom within seconds.
The system was in panic as Rey was in danger and it didn't know what to do. It stopped the current going through his body but nothing happened. No movement, no breathing, his heartbeat was getting slower and slower.
[Rey.... Rey... wake up....]
Now was not the time to hang on to some ego as the system's existence was also on line. If the bonded user were to die, the system would also cease to exist. So a system's survival depended on the host and it's host's capabilities, and Rey was a very capable one.
After bonding, Rey's basic information and stats were relayed to the system during the body scanning, so it knew that Rey was very precious as its user.
[I am sorry. *In a panick* Rey please wake up! Please Rey....I am sorry.]
The system now sensed that if Rey did not wake up in the next few seconds then it will be too late for anything.
[Goddamn it Rey! Wake up....I said I am sorry... what more do you want?]
"Call me master from now on."
[Fine.... I'll call you maste..... wait, what?]
"I said call me master from now on."
The system was dumbfounded, it checked Rey's health bar again and there it was, bright green.
[How.... how is this possible, master?]
[I.....I didn't me..an to call you master, master!]
[Wha.... what is happening?]
"Hahaha! It suits you, you damn system. That hurt like hell you know. My body is still numb but you at least apologized, so that's worth it. Owwwwww! "
Rey tried to move his body slowly but due to the numbness, he couldn't move and just lay on the floor.
"Oi system! I was wondering something."
"Come on, don't be like that to your master. It hurts you know. "
[Why do I have to call an idiot like you master? It is so degrading.]
"You forgot? You only accepted my command when you were begging me to wake up.
Keeping that aside, you speak like us so why can't I read what's showing in my status window.? "
[That's because you are illiterate, master!] the system tried to be sarcastic in its reply.
"What? What is this grandma talking about?" Apparently Rey didn't take well to the sarcasm and his idiotic side surfaced.
[Hey! Who are you calling a grandma? Is it my fault that you don't even know how to read your own language?]
"We don't even use that language now. So how would I.... heck no one on this continent knows that ancient mumbo-jumbo."
[What are you saying? This is the language I was told to converse in. How could I be wrong, dumb master?]
"Who told you that?" Rey was getting irritated with his system's words which made no sense.
[I..I don't know. When I was bonded to you, all I knew was that this is the language of you people, master!]
"Grandpa was right, you are outdated!"
[Outdated! How could I be outdated in just 100 years?]
"100 years?..... it's been more than 1200 years. What generation do you think is being used?" Rey was shocked when he heard 100 years. He believed that his system will at least know how many generations it has been.
[Of course I know! It's A master. Otherwise we wouldn't have bonded.]
Rey facepalmed on hearing the reply.
"It's generation M. No one uses your model now.*sigh* looks like all my life's bad luck was used in getting this piece of junk."
[M.....M.... but how?]
Finally Rey was free from the numbness and realised that he is too tired to continue anymore. So, he decided to sleep the rest of the day away.
"You also go to rest, if you can, and quite down. We'll talk tomorrow. "
"Looks like I won't be getting any sleep tonight. "
He buried his head in his pills and tried to ignore his system's constant muttering.