Switching Title's

NOTICE-you can only have one active title at any given time

Draco stopped walking while he read the message a second time, he started walking again towards his house but this time much slower. He started thinking about the message and what it could mean. Draco couldn't help but think he may possibly have multiple titles in the future? He decided right away that if he was going to do this he needed to level up so he could take better titles.

He clicked yes on making the Far Sight title his active one. Deciding that he could say he reawaked later down the road to set his title to a higher rank if needed it to be higher for whatever reason. A golden light involved him as he accepted it as his active title. The few people around looked at him and smiled, knowing full well why that was happening. Some looked over to see what the title said, while others just went back to what they were doing.

NOTICE- when you switch titles the golden light will not be shown.

-Due to Far sight being your active title the distance you currently

Can see has gone up by 10 yards while not using the skill

Draco was taken aback by what the message just told him. Not only had it just said he would be able to switch his title later on, confirming his suspicions. But it also gave him a passive ability while using this title. He looked over and sure enough he could see the street sign down the road as clear as if it was a foot away from his face. He was amazed. He started heading home but first he stopped off at the Strikers association to register his title.

He walked into the building and there were 6 others sitting in the lobby. Draco went up to the front desk where he met a younger woman, she had a smile on her face but he could tell she was tired by the bags under her eyes. He told her he wanted to register his title and was handed a sheet of paper and told to fill it out. Draco took the paper and stepped off to the side to fill it out.

After writing down everything they needed to know he handed the paper back to the women at the front and went and sat down. Not 3 seconds later a short stocky man walked out of a side door "Draco lionHeart?" Draco stood up and walked over to the man. The man went into the room first and motioned for Draco to follow. They arrived at a machine that had two hand indents on both sides of it. "Please put your hands on either side of the machine." Doing as the man instructed Draco put both hands on the machine.

Warning-outside force is trying to read the power level of the title

(Far sight)

Due to a low wisdom stat, power level is being shown.

The machine flashed the letter E for less than a split second before settling on F. The man looked at the machine with open confusion on his face. "Looks like your title is ranked F, if you'll come with me we will get a picture taken for the records." Draco started walking behind the man. "Will you be signing up for a Strikers Card?" "Is that possible tonight?" Draco couldn't help but ask as it was currently getting late. "That won't be a problem, it would have been more work if you did it later anyway." Draco figured he might as well. "Then yes I will be signing up for the Strikers card." "excellent."

The man motioned for Draco to stand in front of the camera, after taking a photo the man walked into a door telling Draco to head out to the main hall and wait for his card. Draco turned around before walking out two doors till he got to the main lobby and stood next to the door. The lady at the front desk called out his name and he proceeded to walk to the front of the counter where the lady handed him a card.

It looked like an ID card but vertical and it had his picture on it with a big cyan F. When he flipped it over he saw the symbol of the Strikers association on the back, waging their eternal battle. "Congratulations" the lady at the front desk said with a warm smile. Draco thanked her and walked out the front doors doing a half jog to make it on time to the dinner with Aurora.