
He arrived at the front of his place, finding an expensive car sitting on the street outside his and his mothers building. He figured it was Aurora's which meant he was late, his mother was going to kill him. Draco walked in the front door making sure to close it behind him loud enough so his mother was startled by his arrival. "Draco is that you?" "yeah ma, sorry i'm late."

Draco walked into the house, finding Aurora and his mother sitting at the shabby table they owned. It was a wooden table he bought from a woodworker down the street. The table top had nicks and cuts in the wood from years of use. His mother looked up and started what Draco could only guess was a verbal lashing when her eyes saw his title and she stopped.

Her eyes started to water and she stood up then proceeded to throw herself into his arms. Draco wrapped his arms around her laughing a little at the excitement his mother had for him. He looked up to find Aurora looking at him while smiling. His mother pushed him away, decided that he still deserved a tongue lashing, and started to slap his arms and shoulder telling him. "Just because you got a Title doesn't mean you're big and bad. If you become a thug I'll have no problems beating sense back into you."

Draco couldn't help but laugh again, they sat down and ate dinner talking about how their week had been. Then they talked about what Aurora did for her guild, which in turn brought up Doors, that's when it got a little somber. Draco's mother somehow reading me like a book knew he wanted to adventure into Doors.

"But it's dangerous." "My title allows me to not have to get close to anything in a Door, plus there has to be other people going with me to enter a Door." his mother couldn't get over the fact that he would be putting himself in harm's way, it also didn't help he was an F rank. If his rank was higher she may have been less worrying but he doubted that. His mother then turned to Aurora for support but found none.

"I think as long as he stays on guard at all times he would be fine, and if what he says is true, he won't be in close proximity to any of the Doors inhabitants." his mother paled even further but stopped arguing, figuring if she didn't support him he would just go out without telling her which she didn't want. "Then we are buying you weapons to go with your title." his mother said with a no arguing additude. "We don't have the money to buy that type of stuff, plus I already have a weapon, so there's no need to waste our money."

Aurora's eyes narrowed slightly, and she couldn't help but think 'If he just got his Title, how would he have had time to go buy a weapon?' On top of that, she didn't think there were any shops open at this time of night that would sell anything of good quality. She knew Draco got the collar before he manifested his title so he would have had to blindly buy a weapon before getting the collar off, or he would have had to just buy it tonight to get one that matched his title.

Suddenly Aurora voiced out in the middle of Draco and his mom talking. "Would you mind showing me the weapon you baught?" Draco paused, almost seeming to flinch at her question. "I probably shouldn't, the-'' his mother cut him off from finishing what he was going to say. "Yes I would also like to see the weapon my son is staking his life on." Draco looked over at his mother then back at Aurora. "Very well."

Draco thought of pulling the bow out of his inventory and it materialized in his left hand. A second after his arrows appeared on his back in a dark green and brown quiver that was made out of leather. Draco's mothers title being "weaver of wears" which was an E rank Crafters title, she was used to seeing items Striker's carried around with them, so she wasn't clueless as to the quality of weapons and armor. But seeing as her title was related to clothes, she could only see how to repair clothing and how to add fabric onto it without breaking apart the enchantment on the clothing, she could also see the properties of said cloth. And even then she could only do that for E rank clothing and below.

Which was a main reason they didnt ever really buy new clothing when their clothing ripped or was wearing down. Draco's mother took the bow in her hands and started to look it over. Even without an analize skill she was able to tell this bow was higher then F-ranked quality. She looked over at her son who currently had a face of interest as he looked at the quiver over his shoulder. She knew they couldn't afford something like this even if they didn't pay rent for a year.

Aurora was also dumbfounded but hid it better than his mother. She could tell just by the make of the bow that it was from a Door, though she couldn't tell what rank the Door had been. But even if it had been an F-rank door, he just got his Title so he didn't get this from a Door and it also cost way too much for him to have bought this.

Draco decided to go with the excuse he had thought up on his way here if anyone asked him why he had a rank E Bow and a storage ring. "I stopped off at Joseph's office on my way here and he gave me this bow and this storage ring as a gift for finally getting my title." Aurora's face softened as she bought the lie he had just told them but when he looked over at his mother. her eyebrow was raised. She quickly returned her face to dissatisfaction.

"Well i can't tell you to not go because your tools are bad, what about your equipment? Did your cousin give you any clothing?" Draco hid a small wince as he could obviously tell his mother was going to have a talk with him about his so-called 'Gifts' from his cousin. Draco whispered "clothing…" and looked down at his current clothing he was wearing.

Aurora gave a small snort as his mother again sighed before giving him a disapproving look. "If you have your heart set on going through Doors… I will see if I can find you some spare clothing that has better protection than cloth in the shop." Draco was about to argue when his mother cut him off. "I don't care if it costs money, I am not allowing my only child to go into a Door with blind optimism as his only protection, And that's final."

Draco signed and agreed with his mom, knowing he would have better luck convincing a mountain to move then to convince his mother to change her mind. All three of them sat down to eat. This time Aurora had brought over homemade spaghetti. finishing in under half an hour, Aurora decided she needed to get going so she thanked Draco's mother for having her over and asked Draco to walk her to her car.

He grabbed his new trenchcoat off the back of his chair and opened the front door while Aurora hugged his mother goodbye. When they got to her car she turned to Draco. "Stop by the Ouroboros guild house before going into a Door, i'll have a gift waiting for you." Draco was speechless, he had not intended for her to give him a gift. Deciding it would be rude to refuse it, "Thank you" she leaned in and kissed his cheek before getting into her car and driving off.

Draco's face flushed, quickly turning around, he headed back into the building where he saw his mother standing just inside the door with her arms crossed and her eyes narrowed. "Did you steal it?" Draco paused, deciding on how he should answer that question. "No, I didn't steal it. '' She watched his facial features for a second, before her 'take no shit' expression crumbled away into concern.

"I'm not going to ask questions this one time as that has a higher chance of saving your life then anything we could ever afford would be able to, but know actions have consciences." Draco nodded his head with a serious look, they held each other's eyes for a tension filled second before his mother broke and went over and hugged him.

"I can't lose you too." that single sentence almost made him rethink his decision to go through Doors and instead continue working on earth. But he knew he wouldn't make a dent in the amount of money he could make by being a Striker if he stayed and worked here on earth. So he decided to hold onto his resolve, for his and his mothers future. "You wont...i swear"