Enchanted Clothes (1)

First Ruth had Draco pull his bow and arrows out of his inventory. After inspecting the color she told him he could put them away. "Archer, hmm. So are you planning on being a stealth Archer or just trying to output as much damage?" Draco was pulled away from searching all the cloths stats to think about what Ruth had just said. "Is there a difference?"

Ruth scoffed "First there's the Stealth Archer, they hide waiting for that perfect shot on their target. Then they move to make it so their prey doesn't know where their next shot will come from. They usually hide in trees. As it's easier to get an angle from above, the prey won't see the arrow coming straight towards them. And you got the whole tree to hide behind if it's called upon. Pros, it is harder to spot, con, you are normally farther away from the target and you won't be in the position to put multiple arrows into your target so those first few are crucial.

"Next is the High Damage Archer, these Archers are normally the type to hold a bunch of arrows and are usually firing nonstop at a target with no regard for stealth. The prey will know where you are most of the time but you will be able to fire better as you will most likely always have eyes on them. Pro's, you are able to fight multiple opponents as you're closer to the action and you don't have to reposition yourself after every shot. Cons are more likely than not the target will push for close quarter combat."

Ruth stopped explaining to make sure I was understanding everything, then continued. "Then you can do a mix between but it's rare as most titles either force you to rapid fire which requires an abundance of arrows or it forces conditions for your ability to work. An example would be, the target can't know you're aiming at them for your ability to work, or another one is there has to be 3 enemies in play to be able to activate your skill. Because when it comes down to it, You're just a guy with a bow and arrow. It depends on you and your way of doing things and it also heavily depends on what your skill does and what it takes to activate it."

Draco hadn't thought about this at all. Deciding he could trust Ruth with his skill description he explained to her and also his passive skill. "From what you described, you're leaning more towards a Stealth Archer. But seeing as it's only visually enhancing, the power is going to depend on your own strength. Which means you could lean towards a mix of slower shooting close quarter archers but mains stealth" Ruth trailed off looking through the clothes on the racks. "What kind of style of clothing would you like?"

Draco thought for a moment. "Cargo pants, and a zip up hoodie if you got it. Something that covers my skin. If I'm going to be stealth I don't see an issue with showing as little skin as possible. Ruth nodded along with Draco's description. "I'm thinking Dark, maybe black? No...maybe camouflage to hide in the trees. When is your preferred hunting time, light out or dark out, can you see in the dark?"

Draco shrugged his shoulders. He hadn't had time to try out any hidden points of his title but from its description and what he knows about eagles he figured Benji couldn't see in the dark and that more likely than not transferred over. Still he was willing to try. So when Ruth walked over to the light switch and flicked it off and the room went pitch black he activated his ability.

The room lit up a very small fraction when he activated it but otherwise he still couldn't see anything. He deactivated and Ruth flipped the switch back on. She had a look that said something happened. When he asked what happened she described how, it was pitch black until a light blue circle started to shine in the dark.

All three decided that by that description he would go hunting in the day as his eye was counterproductive and that he would be going with the camouflage coloration, even though he thought the black would be awesome he had to go with usefulness. Plus he trusted Ruth to pick out the best clothing for him. All this time Draco's mother sat back as she was only tasked with fixing and mending the broken clothes so she had never been in here. Plus all this talk was starting to worry her.

"Now that we know what color and style you want we can pick what the enchantments do. It's just too bad I sold that last trench coat, that would have made a perfect item for you." Ruth took Draco to the table that was in the middle of the room which had notepads on it and invited his mother to come sit as well. "Now for the enchantments." she took the notepad and walked over to the racks with the cargo pants and started writing in her notebook, then she walked over to the hoodie rack and did the same, then to the t-shirt rack and again wrote down some stuff.

After doing that she walked back to the two waiting people and sat in between them. "First the undershirt, it's very common so we will go with the color black, that way if you ever need to blend in with a dark backdrop you can take the jacket off and put it in that deteriorating storage ring." Draco hadn't even seen her look at the ring, let alone get close enough to see that it was not in the best shape.

"The good news is because they are so common we have many different enchantments on these t-shirts so you have many to pick from. Now mind you enchantments do stack so if you want to go full on speed you could get all haste equipment and you could be like a jackrabbit, though mind you I'd highly suggest you don't do that. Without a title specific to speed you'd be seen as a blur and you would also be seeing blurs.

"Not to say haste is a bad thing, on the contrary, as a stealth archer the faster you get to your new position the better. However you will have to get used to the speed to be effective. And not get yourself killed.'' She trailed off before coughing and continuing her teaching lesson on enchantments and clothing. "However if you want you can get a pair of shoes that have haste, which I would recommend if you want to get the haste enchant as the shoes will feel more natural and will also have a higher % of haste compared to any others.

"However you will have to go to a shoe shop for those as I don't carry shoes. Now to the enchantments there are a lot so choose wisely." Ruth gave Draco a book that had all the enchantment descriptions for the black t-shirt written in it. He looked to see how many pages it was, noticing there were over 4 front and back pages. "There's so many" "that's only in my shop, I only have enchantments that go up to the D rank in stock as anything else would put me very far into debt."