Enchanted Clothes(2)

Draco lightly laughed while still looking through the book, skimming the descriptions of all the enchantments. "Are you looking for enchantments that allow you an ability or a passive effect?" Ruth asked Draco after five minutes of him reading. "At the moment i'm looking for a passive effect, i figured if this was to be the t-shirt its assured it won't get heavily damaged by nature so this could be my protection one"

Ruth nodded along understanding his logic perfectly. She couldn't help but think, 'he's taking this seriously, that's good' "then you're going to want to go to the last couple pages." As she said this she leaned over and flipped the book for Draco till it opened to the last couple pages. He started to skin the enchantments again, thanking Ruth for her help.

(Fire resistance) (lightning resistance) (heat resistance) (cold resistance) (blast resistance) (physical damage resistance) (magical resistance) (hypnosis resistance) (damage buff) (sword buff) (dagger buff) (bow buff)

Draco was a little confused and Ruth could tell instantly what he was confused about. "The difference is affectability.'' Draco looked up and over at her with a questioning look. So she went into more detail.

"Take the buffs for instance. The damage buff will do just that, it will buff all output damage by a percentage. Lets see its saying by 5 percent, which for reference is not a bad buff. Though many Strikers make the mistake of thinking having an overall damage buff is better than a buff that targets specific weapons. And although that may be true for fighters that have many weapons or someone that picks up whatever weapon is available, it's not so true in the case of an archer, or even a rapier user. As the fighting style is so different that to use another weapon would be courting death. So in most cases the weapon specific buff would be better for a Striker. The same concept applies to the resistance as well. Fire won't harm you as much with fire resistance equipt, but you can still bake to death like you were wearing nothing."

Draco nodded along as she described this and started to understand. "I've narrowed it down between a couple. Seeing as the monsters i will be hunting will be non magic users im thinking (physical damage resistance)Description-(all incoming damage will be negated by (grade amount))" ruth chimed in. "That's a smart way of thinking," Draco continued after her agreement. "Next I was thinking (strength buff) Description-(gives the user more strength) and lastly I was thinking either (wisdom buff) or this other one I saw farther back. (chameleon's skin)

Ruth slowly nodded her head. "All four are good however this should be your protection as it is the under shirt so I'd say the physical resistance" Draco agreed and she walked over to the t-shirts and as her hand was going up to grab one she paused. Then her hand moved to grab a different black t-shirt that was farther down the rack. As she was doing this Draco was using the eyes on the equipment to see the stats of what she was going to pick. The first one she grabbed for was a rank F t-shirt with 3% resistance but the t-shirt she grabbed him was a D-rank t-shirt with 17% resistance.

He silently grimaced as he couldn't say anything about this as she took off the tag that told the % and rank and he decided he would pay her kindness back three fold if he ever made it big. Ruth walked up to him and told him to put it on to make sure it fit. He did as he was told and it fit like a normal t-shirt. All of a sudden his skin glowed a faint blue before fading back into his skin and he got a message on his stats screen.

He decided to check it later as he was positive it retained the clothing he just put on. "Now the pants, what enchantment were you thinking with them?" Draco thought for only a second before saying "wisdom buff" once again Ruth walked over to her rack, but this time without hesitation she grabbed a pair of jeans that when Draco inspected them he saw they were E-rank cargo pants that boosted his wisdom by 8 points.

Once again he put them on and his system flashed that it had a message. Once again his skin glowed blue "Next is the hoodie you wanted" maybe you want to look at the abilities?" Draco smiled and thanked Ruth but he already had his mind set on something else. "Do you have buff strength?" Ruth, figuring out what he meant, agreed and walked over to the shelf to pull a E rank hoodie off the rack and hand it to him. It gave him a plus 10 to his strength which would double his strength. If his stats were anything to go off.

He put it on deciding to give Ruth a big hug once he did. She laughed while slapping his shoulder telling him to put her down. Not putting her down till he had twirled her around a couple times he started to laugh with her. They walked out and Frank congratulated him on the new look. He thanked him for the compliment, shaking his hand and again thanking him for watching over his mother and Ruth. He left the shop after putting the new clothes to his ring, equipping his normal close instead.