Chapter 5:

Chapter 5:

Bingling felt the of jolt of reality sweep over him once again today. This time unlike the with the realm gate, this sensation felt primal. He felt all kinds of different sensations all at once. He felt light as a feather yet grounded down like a heavy pressure bore over him. It swept over him so fast that it became overwhelming, he felt like he was being consumed alive. Then as swiftly as it came, the feeling the mental pressure on his soul subsided. He felt weightless, he was free.

He was now within a dark void of space. Though not so dark as the void of space that he was used to seeing. This void was otherworldly, it felt unreal. If not for the flowing river stream of light. He wouldn't know where to make heads or tails in this space. He shifted himself though there was no need, as in such an environment know what way was up or down was irrelevant. As there was no answer to that question. He just went through the motion relishing in being the false notion of weightlessness. He called upon the system and the system responded. Soon mass projections of holoscreens were displayed all around him.

His finger soon danced among them surfing through the data. "Now which one should I choose~?" he said to himself as his finger scrolled through the list of projected profiles in front of him. "I think~, I'll choose you." His finger hovered over the selected profile. Overlooking the briefly before he finally landing a one that suited his needs. [Initiating neural link] Mo Ye voice rang throughout the void. There was no indication where she was, but Bingling knew she was there with him.

"Link start." With those words, he felt his consuion being pulled from this space and into a new one. Quickly losing all sensation just like before fading into nothingness. Then he felt everything come back to him. He slowly opened his eyes, his eyelids felt heavy like he had just awoke from a deep sleep. The air felt different, it felt the same heavies he was so accustomed to. The light shining before him, was bright causing him to blink his eyes repeatedly till he had adjusted to it. He felt the physical weight of his limbs again as he moved them. These were all indications that he was back. He was back in the physical realm.

On instinct he looked down to observe his body. His sight was immediately hindered by the two mounds presented in front of him. This caused a stir of emotion in Bingling's heart. Due to the sight of the huge jugs on his chest. This wasn't the avatar he had chosen. He raised his hands up, his hand Small and feminine. Slimmer and glossy than before. He knew this body. Bingling sighed, defeated. His voice a now a delightful bell chime in his own ear. "Mo Ye." He spoke out into the open area. Despite the great hums of working machines, he knows, he was heard.

Silence answered him, however though he was sure he could hear Mo Ye's giggles through the nano sphere. He sighed again. "I'm here mistress." From behind he came the familiar voice of Bai Ling. Turning on his hip around to face her. What greeted his sight was Bai Ling, lost was her formal attire. Now clad in a rather revealing costume, fashioned after some ancient arcane battle armor of old. "Why did you choose that outfit?" Bingling questioned.

"For more ad avenue, we can draw in more people if we show a little skin. Young men love this kind of fan service, no?" Bai Ling replied as a matter of fact. Bingling sighed once again. Though he couldn't refute that fact though. No matter the age humanity finds itself in, basic human instincts cannot be ignored. It was then the cold breeze of the air-conditioned room that blew over his skin that reminded him of his state. His or HER skin now, was bare to the raw elements of real space. 'First things first, a pair of clothing should be proper.' With a wave of her hand Bingling summoned a stream of holo projection. Strolling through what appeared to be a data pic bank of outer garments. "This one is not appealing enough; this one is too revealing who designed this? Ah of course I'll have to scold that girl later. This one-." After contemplating for a while, strolling through multiple pics, she finally stumbled upon one she had deemed suitable.

Then with a voice command a phomenan occurred. A stream of light particles and ether energy began to form over the nude form of Bingling. Encasing around her in flowing rivers of light, before beginning to form shapes and solidify into physical matter. Becoming a beautiful dress seemingly made of translucent fibers and star matter. Before being further encase in another layer, of what could be remotely considered 'armor'. "This seems about just right." Looking over her now clothed nodding to herself. Then she began to perform a series of rootamentre exercises, conducting performing a series of small motions throughout her new body. Testing and checking the response of her muscles. Scanning through the biologically functions internally. During the whole session she had shifted her head up. Testing her neck joints.

Looking upwards she can see the transparent window where Butler Bob stood. Waving toward her caretaker who clearly was visibly worried about her. Barely visible further from the glass, Bingling can make out the coffin unit which held her original body within.

The coffin in question, the device that enabled this to happen was known as a Link unit. An invention of his own design. To an extent, she could truly claim the credit for that. The technology was old and discard from a time which was not to be spoken. Bingling discovered it by chance while exploring the system to establish herself during the start of her business. The unit served as an information-processing device, supposedly held potential to unlock humanity's evolution, or perhaps it's unused section, left behind and forgotten by humankind. human have evolved through more natural means ages ago, becoming space faring. Whatever the case, when Bingling was testing it out it unlocked a deep, nigh-vestigial function of the brain known as the Night Head. Bingling discovered it allowed her to pass through a diving into a place. Far deeper than her consciousness and even her subconscious.

Using this new "path," beyond it allowed her to create a psionic link that allows to temporarily transfer her consciousness from her human body into another body. In this case her game avatar. Giving her the operator control over all its muscles and senses. Once the link is established, the operator can use the artificial body as if it is their own. It was only when she had nearly completed her excirese that Mo Ye decided to speck up. [All systems are green, and all assents are assembled and ready to deploy at your command.] However just as she had finished speaking, another pheanom occurred beside Bingling. As another stream of light particles merged and condensed together, slowly but surely the form of a female body came into reality.

"It has been an awhile seeing your physical form." Still twirling around in place checking her outfit. "So, you want in on the action why the sudden change?" Bingling commented almost amused in her tone not stopping in her own motions. [You really think I would let you have such fun all to yourself?] in response Mo Ye replied with obvious glee in her voice. Unlike before, Mo Ye had only been a hologram. This form had 'mass' to it, for it wasn't some holo projection. 1.45 meters tall, Mo Ye still retained a fantasy-like, unreal beauty with the same purplish/bluish skin. However now, her limbs seemingly made of crystal star matter. A black robe draped over her, yet still showing much of her body. Her eyes glowed blood-red, with a pair of sharp horns on her forehead along with two wings and a long tail.

Yet despite these new traits it wasn't due to these features that allowed Mo Ye to hover and float around Bingling. Effortlessly defying gravity as if it didn't exist. That was to be expected for one who doesn't know what Mo Ye is. Mo Ye was no ordinary A.I but an Artificial Intelligence Virtual Interactive Kinetic Intelligence Supercomputer, a highly advanced and efficient powerful supercomputer was designed and used by Bingling himself.

[You look so pretty my lady, what a makeover!] Bingling didn't even humor her as she asked her question. "Any other issues with the assents that I should be informed about Mo Ye?" [None whatsoever.] Mo Ye casually said hovering over Bingling. "Alright then bring them up. Power up the ATLAS+ Matrix. Start up the gate way, release the assents." At her words the chamber reacted, machines whined, and power surged all around. Machines altered and shifted. High above them, the Traveler held suspended high above. Pulsating with surge greater power. Light blared through its shell, then other light works appeared. Not from the Traveler, but holo lights. Projecting a myriad of displays and figures littering the chamber with ether light. Adding to the astral light of the Traveler.

None more so than the structure to the far side of the chamber. A short flight of stairs leading to a platform. Twin pillars stand on opposite ends, giving the imagery of a door. A wave of characters hovering over the pillars. Several floor panels opened, revealing an opening, to which something came up from beneath the dark depths. A rectangle object shot up pale lumen lights beat like heartbeat. Before then with a wave of command from Bingling, a hiss of released seals echoed in the chamber. An opening slide itself open on side of the rectangle object closet to Bingling.

Out came the marching footsteps of a dozen or so figures of humans. Each divided into groups most notably by the outfits they wore. Each wore a blank expression on their faces. All ceased other movements once they stopped. As it was intended, as they couldn't move without her will. For they are slaved to it, these were the prisoners and criminals that she had smuggled. Using every favor and back door dealing to secure such assents. Their brains having been infected with self-replicating nanites. Replacing their brain tissues thus allowing her to control their actions and see through their eyes.

These were stables of her project, the 'applicants' of the game. Looking back towards the raised platform. She gazed upon the letters hang overing the gate way. The characters were ancient, used back during the time when humanity still lived in its cradle world. The words when deciphered read as Slayers: Raid Conquest. This was the great project, the great game she had worked to fulfill. A virtual simulation game, with the Titan moon itself as the playing field. How long she had waited for this day. For this exact moment. Everything she had done, the sacrifices she had made. The game was everything. Now with this great leap, she was going to make worlds bigger and more spectacular. To do so, she made use of special 'assents' she had acquired. This is where the 'applicants' came into play. She didn't settle for some holoprojection avatar, she wanted to make it more unique, 'livelier' as she would phrase it. Thus, she went for the living approach, the scum, and convicts of society. Made possible utilizing the new "Nanex" technology, these wastes of life are the true entertainment. Over 98% of their brains having been replaced with nanites. This allows her to control them with ultimate control against their will. There was nothing they could do to defy her.

Made into living avatars, much like her current body yet not in the same. Being more primitive in nature. However still gives future potential gamers, the experience to manipulate live bodies. Giving them the wildest sensation of being in another body, via these death-row prisoners using real weapons in specially created arenas. Allowing the player to become a Slayer, the poster child of the game. It wasn't hard to convince those poor fools to contribute. She didn't even have to pay them. They volunteered willingly in exchange for the promise that any who survives will earn their freedom. That is if they survive that long.

It's still mind boggling to her that her father and those other so-called morally superior individuals berated her upon this course of action. Filth was filth, one doesn't bother to remedy waste. Plus, she was also ridding society of their wretched existence. They were just a plague upon resources needed for other necessities, they should feel honor to have a semblance of usefulness before their expired.

To further advance the experience, she had even gone so far as to even hire some mysterious monster manufacturers, under the name of Fantasy-High to create monsters for her. The products produced were phenomena. The accumulation of generations of work, of creatures that could do literally anything, from breathing fire to casting energy spells. Doable, provide by powers of the Traveler, with it being the only being possessing such powers to make it a reality. One that was untraceable to current technology that is. While still providing the necessary energy to function. While human technology of today is arguably technically advanced well beyond, the norm of what one could do is science. However, the power of the Traveler was something beyond that.

"Bringing up the fun tools…. heh-heh Mo Ye giggled above her head, before continuing in a mockery tone of a game master, "choose your weapon." More compartments shot out form the ground, unveiling its payload. Bingling walked towards it without hesitation. Trailed by Bai Ling who followed closely behind her. Coming up upon the containers, the contents within were a multitude of different weaponry. Ranging from tools resembling cold steel weaponry of ancient humanity even arcane kinetic firearm. Like other such relics these items cost him very dearly to acquire. Though others didn't require such costly means. Bingling didn't look at these items but instead, reached for another section of the container. A small shelf shot out revealing an array of jewelry like items.

These she carefully surveyed each article one at time. Before she reached out and pulled out several rings and bracelets and placed them where she desired. "I'm ready whenever you are mistress." Bai Ling voice drew Bingling away from her appraisal to the multitude of arms hovering on her back. Held up by an array of hardlight fixtures. "Here use this instead of using the MIF (Manipulator Interface Field) system that doesn't really give you a lot of options does it." In response Bai Ling took a ring as she replied. "Mistress I would advise you to take some kind of firearm. I know you wouldn't take any firearms, but it would be tactical unwise to not have a diverse set of armaments, wouldn't you agree?"

To this Bingling groaned. Ugh, firearms such inelegant weapons, who thought of the idea to give one's foe the means of a quick death? When two mortal enemies meet in battle it is only proper for the two to give one another a proper dance, don't you agree? Bingling glanced over the rows of firearms before letting out another sigh. She then raised one hand that held three rings on three fingers. Two of the three lit up, releasing ether energy as she waved over the myriads set of tools, they disappeared. Vanished into thin air as they never existed to begin with. "Alright let's get show started we're behind schedule as it is. Bai Ling take care of the rest."

She gave a simple nod, before turning to the assembled herd. Still standing perfectly still, with dead man's expression plastered on their faces. With a gesture, they moved together in unison. Step by step the group moved in perfect formation; they stopped beside the columns of weapons. Then as one they all reached for several articles once loaded with the gear. They marched on past Bingling and her party with them follow. Halting right before the raised platform, once again ceasing all movement. Bingling and her party, however, continued, walking past the formations and into the front. Standing before preseestion like a commander before a battlefield. At least that was the sensation Bingling was feeling in her heart. Beating more rapidly in her chest, she breathed out in a clam manner. Trying to calm her nerve.

'Alright easy now no need to get so hype up on this.'

"Bob you better get some good footages for me." Looking back towards her most trusted adviser, the one who has been with her since the beginning. "Rest assured young miss; I Bob will never fail you." The near instant euthanasic response of the old butler came through the communication system in her head. "Also, young miss please do be careful, miss Mo Ye, miss Bai Ling, please ensure nothing befalls our mistress. Or let her overexert herself."

Bingling couldn't help but roll her eyes at her caretakers' words. She turned to Mo Ye still hovering beside her.

"Open up the space bridge power it up."