Ignoring Rosanna's presence Brent politely and humbly replies, "Yes, I had a wonderful night, and it seems to open my appetite."

Jessy realized he was hinting at Rosanna about his affair, she calmly responded, "Boss, if I had known, I would have fixed you an extra sandwich?" 

 Conversing politely with Jessy, "It's all right, Miss Albert this should suffice my taste buds for now until I have my next meal, Now, tell me, is the staff room ready?" 

Jessy smiled and responded in the same polite tone, "Yes, Sir, but Sir, I need your permission not to attend the board meeting, I am not feeling so well."

Rosanna was pleased to hear her words, Observing and waiting for Brent's reply, hoping he wouldn't persuade her to be present. "Are you coming down with the virus again, Miss Albert?"

Rosannar's brow furrowed at the twist of his question, "No, Sir, it's just a slight headache, but I will leave my report by Miss James, and she will make copies for you to distribute to the board members."

 "Miss Albert, do you want me to drop you home?"

Hearing his question Rosanna was furious, 'He just said he was busy and now he is offering to drop her home, what is it between the two of them that I am not aware of?'

When Jessy said hurriedly, "No Sir, the meeting will commence in the next ten minutes, I will take a taxi home, there's no need to disrupt your routine because of me."

Turning her attention to Miss Kent, "Good morning Ma'am, and it was nice seeing you again, do have a blessed day."

Rosanna lifted her hand dismissing her immediately as though to say, 'Good ridden.'

That very moment Rosanna noticed Brent seemed to be displeased by her action. She said with gritted teeth, "I will Miss Albert and try and get some rest?"

What she didn't expect was to hear the chuckle then her reply, "I will, it seems when I wake late, it doesn't agree with me."

Opening her eyes as wide as a saucer, Rosanna asks, "So, you too were up late?"

 Jessy shifted a glance at Brent then said calmly, "Yes, I had to do my baking and also write my report."

 Brent was pleased with the way she responded, 'My wife is so intelligent and well mannered, she is a perfect fit for the Larson family . She responds to Rosanna so smoothly without even blinking or fumbling with her words.' 

Noticing her checking her time and then signalling me that she was going prayer meeting.

When Rosanna turned around asking, "What is going on behind my back? one minute you call her Miss Albert and another Jessy?"

Brent couldn't help but smile, knowing Jessy had already left the office. Unexpectedly Rosanna made a one-eighty spin, asking, "Brent who were you looking at?"

With the door closed he had nothing to explain to her or anyone else."I was just thinking, I suppose I should be going to the board room now, so will you kindly excuse me?"

When the knock came, the door opened, "Sir, everyone is already in the board room, and you know how your Mom gets angry when you are late." 

Taking that as his queue, "Thank you, Miss John, I will just be a minute."

Standing up, hoping she will take a hint. What came next he was not expecting, Rosanna came and hugged him from the back, nibbling on his earlope saying, "Brent can we go for lunch after the meeting?"

Removing her hands from around him, thanking God, 'Jessy had already left, if she saw this she would become angry and give me the silent treatment.

"Rosanna, I can't say for sure, this is a long and tedious meeting, now you must go so I can attend to my duties."

Locking my door as Rosanna walks towards the elevator,' She seems pleased when Jessy requested not to attend the meeting, but she is my wife, and it's time she falls in gracefully so when the time comes to announce she is my wife, there won't be any objections.'

Instructing Miss John to wait until she is on the elevator before she comes to the board room.

In the elevator, Rosanna on the other hand made two calls before she reached the basement parking lot. 

Mumbling when she heard the amount to bail those two fools out, knowing if she left them to rot in jail, she might be exposed and all her plans would be ruined.

Sitting in her car she recalls her instructions hoping with crossed fingers that the task she assigned those two would be successful.