End of Prologue

The stairway was filled with royal knights running behind Clover. They are rushing to the nursery. Clover raises his hand signaling the knights to stop. All the knights stop in their tracks and Clover continues to the nursery alone. Clover slowly pushes the door open and walks inside. The floor creaks with each step he takes. Clover's breathing becomes heavier and heavier. When Clover's eyes meet with the corpses, he lets out a scream and falls to his knees. Clover cries uncontrollably. The knights respectively wait outside the nursery. Once Clover gathers his strength, he goes to one of the knights.

"Where are my sons?" Clover asked, trying to mask his anger.

"Jack is safe, my lord, he is resting in his room with a royal knight inside his room and a royal knight outside his room." the royal knight said

"And George?" Clover asked

The royal knights remained silent. Leonard made his way through all the knights. Leonard grabbes Clover and starts to walk with him. Leonard takes him to a balcony. Leonard walks to the railing and puts both his hands on the railing.

"I'm sorry, my lord." Leonard said

"What are you sorry for?" Clover asked

"George.." Leonard began to say before tears filled his eyes.

"Where is he?" Clover asked becoming impatient

"We...we don't know." Leonard said

"What do you mean?" Clover asked, stepping closer to him.

"When Jack first walked in, there was no sign of him. I think someone kidnapped him." Leonard said

"No...no…" Clover said, falling to his knees.

"I think whoever stole the orb also kidnapped your son." Leonard said

"Do we have anything?" Clover asked

"Yes, the Spider has gotten information about the revolution, Hearts of Flames, led by Phoenix. Other than that we have nothing." Leonard said, "We don't even know what Phoenix looks like or where the Hearts of Flames are hiding."

"A revolution? This was planned? Only the royal knights knew where the orb was." Clover said, "We have been betrayed, Leo."

"I agree. We have to find out who the mole is." Leonard said, "What is the plan?"

"Go find General Parthal and bring him here." Clover said

"Yessir." Leonard said

Leonard quickly left and went to find General Parthal. When Leonard left, Clover shouted at the top of his lungs. Anger filled Clover's eyes. Clover drew his sword and started to smash it against the wall and the railing. Clover charged at the door and impaled the door with his sword. The wooden door's hole splinters and sends cracks throughout the door. Clover kicks the door in rage and creates a larger hole in the door. Clover yells again in rage. When he yells, all the crows around him begin to fly away in fear.

Clover aggressively grabbed his sword and pulled it out of the door. Clover shoved the door open and made his way to the Spider's Web. No knight followed Clover as he left the kingdom on horseback. The Spider's Web is in a swamp one hour away from the Kingdom Of Dusk. The Spider's Web is in the center between Crow Tower and Kingdom of Dusk. Clover tied his horse to a nearby tree and made his way deeper into the swamp. People avoid the swamps not because there is a dangerous spy but more realistically because of the alligators that lurk in the muddy waters. Clover changed into dirty brown clothes that he wears hunting. In Clover's bag is a bag full of gold coins. After wandering through the swamp, Clover finds an old cabin in the swamp. The Spider is an Urban Legend and very few people know of his true existence.

"Stop there, Wanderer. Take another step and you wake the beast." a man called out

"Are you the Spider?" Clover called back, stopping in his tracks

"My lord, those clothes cannot conceal the truth." the man says

"You must be." Clover said, "I have a job for you."

"I'm not for hire." the man said, "I already have a web to sow."

"What's one more? It is relatable to the one you are doing now." Clover said, pulling out the bag of gold.

"That Leo, he can never keep his mouth shut." the Spider said, "Stay there, I'll come to you."

The Spider climbed his old cabin and jumped off the roof and climbed the trees. He landed right behind Clover. Clover turned around and looked right into the Spider's eyes.

The Spider was the exact height of Clover. The Spider wore a mask that made only his eyes exposed. The color of his eyes were bright yellow like gold. The Spider wore a hood covering his entire head and the clothes he wore left no skin exposed. Clover noticed a holster for a dagger around his waist. The Spider had two daggers ready to draw. The Spider is just as skillful as Shadow. They are equals and they have never fought against each other.

"My one rule is: I don't investigate Shadow." the Spider intimidatingly said.

"That works for me. I want you to find out who Phoenix is and where he is hiding." Clover requested handing him the gold.

"Phoenix is his real name. His last name is Flame. His father is Erik Flame, the Great Sailor. His hideout is in the basement of the bar on the far East side of Kingdom Dusk. It is the farthest building from the castle. The secret way in is through the sewers or you can just enter through the bar." Spider said, grabbing the bag of gold.

"You do not disappoint, Spider." Clover said

"Farewell." the Spider said

"Farewell." Clover said.

Clover walks back to his horse. Clover turns around and the Spider is gone. Clover shakes his head in disbelief and continues to walk back. Clover walks and keeps his eyes on the ground. The Urban Legend says that the Spider has the power to control the alligators. The Urban Legend says that he was sent by Veritas, the god of truth. Other versions of the Urban Legend say that he is Veritas and can control all animals. One thing is for certain, he does exist. Clover reaches his horse and finds the bag of gold tied to the horse's saddle. Clover inspected the bag and the Spider only took half of the gold. Clover looks around but there is no sign of him. Clover saddles his horse and rides back to the Kingdom of Dusk.

The horn sounds and Clover is met by twelve royal knights. They help Clover off his horse and lead him back to the castle. The people stare at Clover in fear. Clover's eyes are full of rage as he makes his way to the meeting room where General Parthal waits for him. Clover sits across the table from General Parthal and he signals the knights to leave them.

"I've been waiting for over two hours." Parthal said

"I went to the Spider. He told me where to find Phoenix." Clover said

"Where? And who is he?" Parthal asked

"Phoenix Flame. He is hiding in a bar's basement on the other side of the kingdom. I want you to send the military police to surround it. At the same time send Leo and four royal knights to the sewer pipe that is exposed outside the wall. I want six knights to enter the bar and charge down there. Tell them to use any force necessary. No killing. I need him alive." Clover ordered

"Right away. I told Leo to wait at the Barracks for me so I will leave now." Parthal said.

"We don't know what Phoenix looks like, but We know what his father looks like." Clover said

"Understood." General Parthal said. Parthal stood up and bowed before leaving.

"I will make you pay, Phoenix." Clover said silently to himself.

Clover began to cackle. A dark grin formed on his face and he couldn't stop. His laughing got louder and louder. He banged his hand against the table and went completely mad for a few moments. He was interrupted by a knock on the door. Clover quickly stopped grinning.

"Who is it?" Clover asked

"Ambitions should not be fueled by revenge and rage." the voice said through the door.

"Who's there?" Clover asked. Clover got up and opened the door. He felt a sharp pain in his side. Clover looked down and a dagger was lodged in his chest. The dagger was quickly pulled out and he felt another sharp pain in his eye. Clover let out a scream but the assailant covered his mouth and pushed him back into the room. The assailant closed and locked the door from the outside.

"You won't die of those wounds." the assailant said through the door. His footsteps get shallower and shallower until the hallway is silent.

Clover lays on the ground bleeding. His right hand covers his right eye. His left hand covers the stab wound in his chest. Clover tries to talk but nothing comes out. He drifts in and out of consciousness. Finally, he passes out. The blood drips from his wounds onto the cold floor.

The sound of a drunk playing the banjo filled the streets surrounding the bar. A wooden sign hangs above the door. In bold black letters it reads 'The Sunset Tavern'. The smell of beer is overwhelming and the amount of people is unnecessary. Leonard tells the knights to surround the building. Leonard and three royal knights barge into the tavern. The knights stand in front of the door and Leonard heads to the bartender.

"We have been told to search this tavern. We are looking for Phoenix Flame. Have you seen him?" Leonard asks the bartender.

"No, I heard he left town." the bartender says.

"Then you wouldn't mind if I went to the basement. Would you?" Leonard says.

"Basement? I don't have a basement." the bartender said, subtly moving his hand underneath the table.

"That's strange. Then can I walk around?" Leonard asked

"I think you should leave." the bartender said, grasping something under the table.

Leonard grabs the bartender by the collar and pulls him over the table. Leonard slams him onto a table behind him. The bartender drops the small dagger that he was holding. Leonard quickly grabs the dagger and holds it to his neck.

"One last time. Where is Phoenix Flame!" Leonard yelled, putting pressure on his neck.

"Right here." a voice called out behind Leonard.

Leonard felt a sharp point being pressed against his back. Leonard slowly moves the dagger away from the bartender and turns around. Phoenix was towering over him. Phoenix stands at least eight feet tall. His hair was bright orange with a red highlight on the bangs. He wore a black bowler hat and a white robe with red flames sewed on it. He wore a red bandana around his neck.

"He's taller than Dominus and X!" Leonard thought to himself

"Drop the weapon or I will kill you." Phoenix said

"Ok… I'm putting it down." Leonard said.

Leonard began to bend down to place the dagger on the floor. Before it touched the floor he swung up at Phoenix. Phoenix took a step back and dodged Leonard's swift attack. Before Phoenix could attack Leonard, Leonard had already swung the dagger again. Leonard is not giving Phoenix anytime to think as he swings the dagger at him endlessly. Phoenix keeps swiftly dodging the blade and never getting time to attack. Leonard leaped forward at Phoenix. Phoenix grabs his wrist and throws him into the wall. Phoenix quickly disarms Leonard and hovers his sword above his chest. As Phoenix begins to force the sword into Leonard's chest, the royal knights intervene before the sword makes contact.

"Stand down, Phoenix!" a knight commanded

"Ha! You think you won?" Phoenix mocks

"You are surrounded. There's no escape!" the knight yells

"That's not true my fair knight," Phoenix said, as he dashed into the knight. Phoenix's sword pierced through the armor and killed the knight instantly. Phoenix swung at the other knight's neck and sliced his throat. Phoenix turns over back to Leonard, but he's gone. Phoenix looks over to the door and sees Leonard run out of the tavern, "Now's our chance to leave, Carson."

"Right this way, sir. We will leave through the sewer system and get out of the city." Carson said.

Carson is average height for a 23 year old male. Carson has jet black hair and has it in a small pony-tail. Carson always carries a sword on his back wherever he goes. Carson was trained and raised by Phoenix but is not related to him in any way. Carson is Phoenix's right hand man and helps him whenever. Carson opens the floor gate behind the bar table. A wooden staircase leads down to the sewer system. Carson leads as Phoenix follows. Many of the people in the tavern holster their weapons and follow them down. The ones that stayed lock the floor gate and guard the tavern from the inside.

At the bottom of the stairs is a stream of water that leads to the wall and out to the beach that borders the kingdom from the Shark Sea. The Shark Sea Separates the Kingdom of Dusk from the Kingdom of Light. They call it the Shark Sea because it is infested with sharks. It is very dangerous to cross because of the deadly storms as well. At the end of the tunnel is a light.

"We can assume that there are knights there." Carson said.

"Agreed. We have to storm out of here and overwhelm them." Phoenix said.

"You and Phoenix should be the last ones out." someone from the crowd said

"That is a good idea." Carson said

The followers ran out of the sewer yelling 'Long Live The Hearts of Flames!'. When they ran out, they were completely shaken. There was no sign of any knight. In fact, they were the only ones on the beach. Phoenix and Carson looked at each other and waited five minutes before deciding to flee. Phoenix Flame, Carson, and the Hearts of Flames all left the Kingdom of Dusk on a great galleon that they had purchased and sailed across the sea to the Kingdom of Light.

As they began to set sail, Phoenix had a bad feeling about what was going to happen. Not only on the water but everywhere in Medivia, the continent. Phoenix talked to the Spider before leaving and the Spider told him: 'The world is changing, old friend. The Gods are real. Darkness will soon rise and swallow Light.' Phoenix was reassured when he glanced over to a woman who was holding and rocking a child in a chair. A smirk formed on Phoenix's face when he stared back at the Kingdom of Dusk.