Future of Light

Victoria's heels click on the tile floor with each step. King John Baron sits tall on the throne in front of her. John is of average height and structure. John has short brown wavy hair with crystal blue eyes. Victoria has long blonde hair with brown eyes. She is shorter than the average woman. The throne that John sits in is made of gold but other than that it looks like a completely normal chair that he found laying around somewhere in the kingdom. The throne room had no pillars and was very plain. John didn't want to spend money on useless things. Victoria kneels in front of John.

"My lord, I have given the message to King Shard." Victoria said

"Wonderful, Victoria!" King Baron said, "I hope the month trip went well?"

"Yes, it did. When I was there, the whole kingdom was under tight security. There were knights guarding all of the gates and inspecting everyone who was coming in and going out." Victoria said.

"Strange. I wonder what's going on over on the West coast." King Baron said

"When I talked to King Shard, he seemed rational." Victoria said

"Your family must be anxiously waiting for you." King Baron said

"Thank you, my lord." Victoria said

Victoria knelt down and exited the throne room. The royal knights opened the door and closed it behind her. The royal knights are the same as the Kingdom of Dusk's royal knights. John and Clover used to be very close to each other. A knock is heard through the door and the royal knights open the door. A man dressed in black walks into the room with his right hand resting on the pommel of his sword. King Baron raises his hand to signal to his knights that there's nothing to worry about.

"Welcome, Lavernius, Champion of Dominus Mortis." King Baron said

"Thank you, King John Baron." Lavernius said

Before Lavernius could say another word, a knight that he immediately recognized walked into the room. Lavernius' expression drastically changed when he made eye contact with him. The knight, however, had no idea who he was. The knight was the same height as Lavernius. He had straight blonde hair and brown eyes. He bowed his head as he passed Lavernius.

"This is my Champion, James Akaza." King Baron said

"Nice to meet you, James Akaza." Lavernius said, wiping the look of his face, "I'm-"

"I know who you are, Lavernius Bear. You are King Dominus' Champion." James said

"Yes." Lavernius said, looking at King Baron.

"Why did you come all this way?" King Baron asked

"To ask for your allegiance. King Dominus wants us to unite the two most powerful kingdoms. I heard that you have asked to meet with King Shard. If you join him, then I cannot guarantee the safety of your kingdom." Lavernius said

"What… Why?" King Baron said puzzled

Lavernius stepped closer to the throne. James put his hand on Lavernius' chest, implying him to stop. Laverius takes a step back and continues.

"Kingdom of Dusk is weak. Crow and Raven Tower are strong. We have the largest military and navy known to man. I'm not supposed to say this… but… King Mortis will march onto Kingdom of Dusk in the coming months." Lavernius said, moving his eyes around the poorly made throne.

"Yes. It is true that they are the weakest, but I think it will be profitable to join them." King Baron suggested

"How so?" Lavernius asked, tilting his head in curiosity

"How is King Dominus doing?" King Baron pried.

"You could say… that he is feeling like he's in his youth." Lavernius said.

"Ha!" King Baron snarled, "Get this joker out of my court!"

"Wait!" Lavernius said, holding James' arm, "If you decline, Dom will march here instead. I'll stay for another day. Think about it and give me an answer tomorrow."

"That sounds reasonable. Come back at noon. I think Lavernius knows his way out." King Baron said.

Lavernius lets go of James' arm and kneels before exiting the castle. Golden Gate is surrounded by mountains to the North and walls to the south. The harbor is in the West. To the East is the entrance which is in between the walls and the mountains. Golden Gate is the wealthiest kingdom and the biggest. The gates are painted gold and that's where it gets its name. The castle is near the port and is separated from the rest of the city by a thinner wall. The difference between Crow Tower and Golden Gate is that the citizens are not restricted by social class.

James turns to King Baron and kneels before him. James rises and walks over to him. He waves his hand and the knights at the door leave.

"I think we should trust Lavernius." James said, "We can't afford a war with Crow Tower and Raven Tower."

"That is true. We have the money but not the men." King Baron said

"John, please consider taking this." James said

"You might be right. If we join Dominus then we may have to fight Clover." John said

"Yes, that is a possibility. That would be better than being dominated by King Dom." James said

"I'll sleep on it." John said

"Good day, John." James said

"Good day." John said

James kneels and then exits the throne room. The doors slam behind him and they echo in the room. John lets out a sigh and looks up at his ceiling. On the ceiling is a painting of the gods and the relics. "Help me gods, so that I may pick the right choice." John said out loud to himself.

The moonlight shines through the window. The light shines all over John's room. John sits on his bed looking at the moon. John closes his eyes and lays back on the bed. The wind gently runs through the window and into his room.

"John Baron." a gentle voice calls out

"Hello?" John says as he quickly sits up and looks around the room, "Who's there?"

John's head begins to hurt and his eyes turn white. John looks around and is standing on a road in the middle of nowhere. Mist covers the ground up to his ankles. The stars are covering the sky and the moon is nowhere to be seen. John looks to his left and sees a great war. The Golden Gate of the city has fallen and Moonlight Knights are slaughtering his people and soldiers. He sees Lavernius fighting against James and Victoria Akaza and Lavernius kills James. John looks to his right and sees the Kingdom of Dusk's gate destroyed and the city is on fire. Moonlight Knights are slaughtering people and knights alike. He sees James and Lavernius working together fighting a young man who was protecting Clover Shard. The young man falls to the ground and is killed by Lavernius. Lavernius stabs James in the back and kills him. Clover fights but then flees deeper into the kingdom.

"No… this can't be…" John says

"Look forward. And you shall see a third option." the voice said

John looked forward as the voice told him to do. The scenery changed into the throne room. The sun was at its highest peak of the day. Lavernius is kneeling in front of John. James sneaks around Lavernius and attacks from behind. James cuts off Lavernius' hand and kicks him to the ground. John says, "Don't enter my kingdom and threaten me!" John walks over to Lavernius and proceeds to cut off Lavernius' head.

"These are your options, John Baron King of Golden Gate." the voice said

"What happens after I kill him?" John asked

"Only time will tell." the voice said, "I do not wish to reveal the whole outcome of these situations."

"Who are you?" John asked, John's eyes turned back to blue and he looked around and he saw that he was back in his room.

"I am Father Time. The god of Time." Father Time said, "Tomorrow is when you decide which fate you desire. If you decline Lavernius, then you shall perish. If you accept, then Clover shall perish. If you kill Lavernius, then… well you shall see. Maybe not in this line but another."

"Which is the best?" John asked

"Each ends in conflict. There is not one better than another." Father Time said

"Thank you, I am grateful for what you have done for me." John said

"It was Kayotic that said I should." Father Time said

"Thank you." John said

John instantly fell asleep as soon as his head hit his cold pillow. He had no dreams that night for his mind was awake and he never fell deeply asleep. The night was long and cold. The morning couldn't come soon enough because John knew what his decision was before he layed in bed.

John is awoken to birds chirping and the sun beaming through the window. John sits up in his bed and looks out the window. His window sees out over the harbor. When he looks around a tear falls from his eye. John gets dressed and neatly puts on his crown. When he is ready, he makes his way to the throne room.