The Fall of a King

The sunlight pierced through the windows in the throne room. The grand doors echoed in the silence as they closed. King John Baron stood in front of his throne. Lavernius Bear kneels on the cold tile floor before King John. Victoria Akaza is standing next to King John with her hand resting on her sword. James Akaza is slowly walking behind Lavernius. John places his hand on his sword. James slowly unsheathed his sword, the noise of the metal scraping against his sheath fills the silent room. A slight grin forms on Lavernius' face. Lavernius subtly loosens his daggers that are hidden in his sleeves. The instant that James raises his sword to strike Lavernius, Lavernius has already stabbed him in his chest. Lavernius quickly gets behind James and pushes him to the ground. James tries to stand up, but Lavernius stomps on his right knee and breaks his knee cap. James screams in pain and is unable to stand. Victoria yells at the top of her lungs and charges Lavernius. Lavernius dodges her attacks with ease. Victoria uses all of her strength in order to strike him just once. She is unsuccessful and misses every single swing she takes. Lavernius is practically prancing around her and making her look like a fool. Lavernius dashes at her and cuts the side of her chest by her ribcage. She falls to one knee and places her hand on the wound. Lavernius punches her and she falls to the ground. Lavernius tucks his blades back into his sleeves. He walked over to Victoria and grabbed her right arm. He breaks it easily like breaking a toothpick. John has a look of fear on his face. He draws his sword but can't hold it still. John's arms are shaking and his legs begin to shake as well. James and Victoria are groaning on the floor. Lavernius walks over to James and knocks him out. Lavernius does the same to Victoria. Lavernius looks at John and begins to laugh.

"G-Guards!" John yells as loud as he can.

The doors slam open. Two Moonlight Knights walk into the room, dragging the dead bodies of the Royal Knights that were guarding the door. A tear falls from John's eye as he watches the Moonlight Knights throw the bodies like rag dolls. Lavernius points to James and Victoria. The Moonlight Knights pick them up and carry them outside. Lavernius picks up James' sword from the ground.

"Don't worry about them. They will live out the rest of their lives in Raven Tower." Lavernius casually said, "Now, we must fight."

"I surrender." John said, throwing his sword to the ground, "Beware, I sent a messenger to the Kingdom of Dusk."

"That won't be a problem. Now, get over here." Lavernius commanded, "Give me full authority of this kingdom or you, James, and Victoria will all die."

"Y-yes." John stuttered, "Where d-do I sign?"

A Moonlight Knight walked into the room with a scroll in his hand. The scroll states: that King Dominus Mortis and Lavernius Bear have full control over the entire kingdom named Golden Gate. John signed the scroll and put his sigil on the paper. His sigil looks like a key with a gold coin next to it. Once Lavernius looked it over, he cut off John's head with James' sword. The body fell to the ground and blood spilled all over the cold corpse. A Moonlight Knight takes the scroll and secures it in a container and waits for Lavernius' orders.

"Take that to General Andrew. Have him give it to King Dom." Lavernius ordered.

"Yessir." the Moonlight Knight said, leaving Lavernius alone in the throne room.

Lavernius kneels down next to John's corpse and takes his ring with the sigil of the Golden Gate Kingdom. Lavernius whistles and a Moonlight Knight enters the room.

"Get some peasant to clean this mess up." Lavernius said, "Preferably someone from this kingdom."

"Right away." the Moonlight Knight responded, "What is the next step?"

"I have to find someone." Lavernius said, "I will be going to find the Spider. Take some gold from the vault and take your unit to the bar or something."

"Thank you, sir." the Moonlight Knight said

"What's your name, commander?" Lavernius asked

"Krimson Reagon." Krimson said

"What an exotic name." Lavernius complimented

"Thank you." Krimson said

Lavernius stood up and patted Krimson on the shoulder before leaving.

"Oh, before I forget, Krimson you are in charge of this Kingdom until Dom or I say differently. I will tell Dom when I pass through Crow Tower." Lavernius said, "If the people give you trouble, make an example out of a few of them."

"I appreciate this." Krimson said, "Thank you, sir."

Krimson has short dark red hair like red wine. His eyes shine red like fresh blood running out of a cut. He is around 5'8" and he is extremely strong and muscular. He beat all of the other Moonlight Knights in a duel. Krimson is described to be a military genius and that is how he became a commander of his own unit. That is a primary reason why Lavernius chose him to run Golden Gate, temporarily.

"One last thing!" Lavernius called out, "Catch!"

Lavernius tossed John's ring to Krimson. When he caught it and looked at it, he smiled. He looked back up to say thank you to Lavernius, but Lavernius was gone. Krimson looked around and walked to the throne. He sat down on the cold golden chair. When he looked up at the ceiling he began to laugh, a soft gentle laugh.

Krimson stands up and walks to the center of the throne room and slowly spins around in place. His laugh turns into a hard chuckle the longer he laughs and thinks about his current situation. He waved his hands around like a child. Two Moonlight Knights are standing at the door outside of the throne room. "This was too easy!" Krisom says to himself, looking at his helmet. The color of his helmet changed from jet black to maroon red. The rest of his armor changed as well. When Krimson drew his sword, it began to change color, too. He held his sword high as it turned into a fire red color.

"Well done, Krimson." a voice said from the darkness.

"Thanks, I didn't think Lavernius would hand the ring over to a random knight so easily." Krimson said, admiring his sword and armor.

"Now the real plan begins. The soldiers in this kingdom are yours to command." the voice said

"I smelled something strange on him, did you?" Krimson said

"You didn't see it?" the voice asked

"See what?" Krimson asked, turning to the shadows.

"In his pocket." the voice said, fading, " There was a-"

Silence filled the room and Krimson looked within the shadows again. There was nothing. Krimson was alone. He sheathed his sword and put on his helmet and called in the guards standing outside the grand door.

"Yessir?" the knight asked

"Follow Lavernius. Find out who he is looking for. He is going to the swamp to talk to someone special. Once you find out who he is chasing, come back to me and tell me. Don't engage with him." Krimson said

"He has already left the kingdom. He could be anywhere!" the knight exclaimed

Krimson turned his head to look at the knight. His eyes glowed red through the eye holes in the helmet. Krimson couldn't see the knight's facial expression, but he could smell the fear coming off of him. Krimson slowly unsheathes his sword. Awe fills the knights as they gaze at the fiery sword. Krimson decides not to use his sword and puts it away.

"Your eyes.. they…they are… red!" the knight shakes in fear.

"Yes." Krimson said, walking over to him.

"You are a… Demi-god." the knight struggles to say, taking a step back.

"I will show you a nanoscopic fraction of my power." Krimson Reagon said, "Don't move."

The knight tries to run, but Krimson froze him in space. The knight began to scream, but silence came out of his mouth. The other knight stood frozen in fear. Krimson raised his hand and the knight began to float in the air. He then barely moved his hand, tossing the knight into the walls of the throne room. The knight hit his back and instantly broke his spine. Krimson held out his arm, holding the knight there in place. He then barely moved his hand down, throwing the knight onto the floor. Crushing the knight's rib cage and killing him instantly but painfully. Krimson then turned to the other knight and spoke:

"Now, do you see what will happen if you disobey me?" Krimson said, walking towards the other guard.

"I…I…" the knight could not speak, for he was full of fear.

"Oh, what a shame." Krimson said.

He grabbed the knight's shoulders and lightly punched the knight's chest. The knight flew backwards into the wall behind him with great force. The knight died and Krimson let out a sigh. He looked around and saw that the walls were severely cracked and if something crashed into them the room would most likely collapse. He waved his hand and the walls were fixed simultaneously. Krimson smiled and began to laugh again.

"Humans! They are so weak!" Krimson said, "I guess I will wait for Lavernius' return."

Krimson held out both his hands and closed his fists. The bodies of the dead knights have disappeared. There was no trace of blood to be found. As for the bodies, no one knows what happened to them. He casually walked back to the throne and sat down. He fidgeted with the ring waiting for something to happen.