
"Come on, let's go. We've won." Wallace said

"Yes, we have." Jerry said, wiping some tears off his cheeks.

"I bring good and bad news. The good news is that King Dominus Mortis is dead. The bad news is that Commander Xion Zyphor has fallen in the efforts and will not be forgotten," Jerry said to the army, "We will march to the battlefield and help the Kingdom of Dust!"

The Moonlight Knights and Royal Knights cheer and follow Wallace and Jerry as they lead them to the fight. They reach the battle and flank Lavernius' platoon. They completely surround him and his men. Wallace notices Clover's body mangled on the floor near the forest line where he was fighting Lavernius. He walks towards Clover and kneels down next to him.

"Clover, my friend. I hope that you have been rewarded in heaven. Your courage and bravery will be remembered forever." Wallace said.

"LAVERNIUS!!!" Wallace yells in rage, "WHERE ARE YOU?!!?"

The two armies collide and soon enough the Moonlight Knights will fall. Wallace desperately looks for Lavernius but he is nowhere to be found. Perhaps he has fled the field and went into hiding and safety. When the sun began to rise is when the last foe fell. The Kingdom of Dusk and Golden Gate were the last two kingdoms standing. Wallace returns to where Dominus had fallen. The body has been moved and is gone completely.

"Hello there." Krimson Reagon says while stepping out from behind the throne.

Krimson tucked the necklace, which now had all four rings, under his chest plate. Wallace tightly gripped his sword and stood in silence. Krimson walked towards him and unsheathed his sword.

Smirking, he said, "You have been waiting for this moment, right?"

Wallace, without thinking, had started attacking the ashen one. Krimson dodges his attacks with ease. Wallace, now getting more angry, begins to swing randomly. Which accomplished nothing. Krimson swiftly swung his sword but the general dodged it. Surprising his opponent. Krimson swings again. This time he hit and sliced a chunk of flesh off of Wallace's shoulder. Wallace's face turned pale and he staggered backward.

"Don't worry, That won't kill you." Krimson said

Krimson began to laugh as he toyed with Wallace. The brave soldier now knows that the one with red eyes cannot be defeated by a mere mortal. The demi-god began to flaunt his mighty power but still did not kill Wallace. Krimson, with his energy, tore off Wallace's hand. The General screamed in agony.

"Not yet." Krimson said

Krimson began to pick up the pieces of broken armor and metal that had scattered around the area without moving a muscle. He collects all of it into a large pile. Then he holds out his hand and creates a spear out of the scraps. He uses fire energy and imbues it, creating a deadly weapon. Fear fills the eyes of Wallace as Krimson prepares to throw it. The ashen monster throws it with little to no strength. The spear impales Wallace's chest and flies completely through his body, leaving a gaping hole in his chest. Wallace falls to his knees. The broken warrior screams in pain and clutches his wound. A few seconds later, Wallace's body stops screaming and breathes his last breath. As Krimson was about to leave he saw Lavernius standing on the balcony behind the throne, looking over at his defeat. The injured Royal Knights are rushed back to Dusk and the deceased are buried right here on the field.

"What a battle." Krimson says, stepping out onto the balcony.

"Yeah, it was." Lavernius said, "I have to go meet someone. Will you be returning to Golden Gate?"

"Yes, I will prepare an army and we will march to Dusk. It will fall, I promise you." Krimson said

In a blink of an eye Lavernius disappeared as did Krimson. Jerry ordered the retreat and all the remaining soldiers marched home. After two weeks they had finally returned. Too many lives were lost, so there was no celebration, only mourning. A few days have passed and Jerry tells the tale to Jack, Clover's son. They exchange stories for a while until they have nothing left.

"You will become king tomorrow, Jack." Jerry said

"I know. Will you help me lead this kingdom?" Jack said

"Of course. You have my word." Jerry responded

"Dominus has fallen. The war is over. We should celebrate." Jerry said.

"Yes, yes, let's. We will do so tonight. Let's get dressed." Jack said

Jerry and Jack walk into the castle. The rest of the Moonlight Knights and Royal Knights are already preparing for their feast. Jerry and Jack see a table filled with food, drinks, and fine wine. A grand celebration for the dawn of the new age.