Dawn of The New Age

The sun was high and the crowd cheered for their new king, King Jack Shard. He proudly took the crown and spoke to the people of his kingdom:

"My friends, I thank you all for coming and celebrating our victory. But I am not the only one who deserves praise. The heroes that fought alongside me deserve equal honor. Without you, I would have never made it this far. Please raise your glasses to them. To the Moonlight Knights and the Royal Knights! May the gods bless your hearts and may you always find refuge in the shadows of the night."

Everyone raised their glasses and clinked them together. The Moonlight Knights and Royal Knights will be called Dust Knights. They generously took this title and swore loyalty to King Jack Shard and the Kingdom of Dusk. Great statues were erected for the fallen generals, commanders, and the king. Great stones had the names of the fallen soldiers carved onto them and placed around the statues. Jack had announced that the Kingdom of Light was not to be searched or ventured because of all the scavengers. He would then would go on to say that he would send a team led by General Jerry Malikai and try to recover as much as they can from Crow and Raven Tower, such as armor, weapons, and valuables, and possibly reclaim the kingdom. Jerry would set out in three days for this. As for Fort Wither Stone, it would stay as a fortress and as a reminder for what they had accomplished. Food was scarce and so were homes. The next plan was to expand the kingdom and become stronger than Golden Gate before the next war breaks out.

Many years passed and the Kingdom of Dusk grew into a prosperous nation. Jack became King of Dusk after his father's death. His wife, Kia, died giving birth to their first child, a daughter named Evelyn. She is now 9 years old and is very intelligent. There has been only peace for the last 10 years. Lavernius Bear, the ex-champion, has not been seen at Golden Gate or Dusk and has been claimed to be deceased. As for the Spider, he too has disappeared. Krimson has been expanding as well and is openly trading with Dusk and the newly formed nation, the Kingdom named the Empire of Dython. King Dython, King Krimson, and King Jack are all trading with each other and are at peace. Dython Fiklor is a brave and intelligent person. His empire is bigger than Golden Gate but not bigger than Dusk. The empire is five miles east of where the ruins of Crow Tower lie.

Trade routes have been successfully made for easy transport. Many villages have been built around these roads that don't necessarily belong to any kingdom or empire. The most popular town is Azalea Village, founded by Scarlet and Cooper Azalea five years ago. It is located a few miles south of Golden Gate. Many adventures go there because that is where the biggest market is and where the biggest Adventurers Guild is. After the fall, many monsters arose from the depths and darkness. Most are active during the day, but the dangerous ones are active at night. Of course monsters are not the only threat. Bandits, outlaws, wild animals and sometimes you hear rumors of a Titan. The demand for Adventures went way up. The amount of quests on the board is just plain insane. Many of the Adventurers do it for the money. Some of them like to hunt down monsters to make a name for themselves. And lastly, those who choose to become Adventurers are trying to help the kingdom in some way. Being an Adventurer has its perks. The reputation allows people to get connections with wealthy people and possibly a king or noble.

The people of Medivia began to develop and use 'Energy'. Energy comes in many forms and is described like magic but it is different. There are many types of energy: Water, Fire, Wind, Stone, Healing, Gravity, and the most powerful one, Cosmic. Water allows the user to manipulate water. The same goes for the rest except Cosmic. Cosmic is the ability to create and destroy matter with a thought. No mortal can use such power. For one, they are too weak to even muster it. And the other reason is that it is pure radiation, it would destroy their body. Some gods can't even use it, only the most powerful ones can. The Tale goes that Kryptonick and Kayotic used Cosmic energy to create the universe. Some of the beasts can use Energy, and even the Titans. Energy was talked about in the Chronicles of Time. Depending on strength and training determines how much and what type of Energy people can use.

Crow Tower still stands even though it has been abandoned and no expeditions can be sent because of the amount of monsters that lurk in the ruins. Kingdom of Light has been left alone since the fall and no one knows what state it is in, it may not even be recoverable. Adventurers love to go into the fallen kingdom and bring back monster parts to sell. Everyone is too afraid to even try to go to Light and were ordered by all three kingdoms to stay away from it.

Not all monsters are evil. There are some monster villages East of the Empire, but most Villages will kill any monster that enters it. There are some Adventurers that raid and destroy monster villages for the sake of fame and glory. To the great kingdoms that are doing a great service, but to the monsters, they are the monsters.