The Legend

They walk along the edge of the forest and enter the temple. There is a man standing in the middle of the room, holding the Chronicles of Time. He turns towards them and bows his head.

"May the gods bless you," he says, "I am Father Robert. May I help you?"

"Yes, good sir." David replied, "We would like to speak with one of your priests."

Father Robert smiles and leads them into a private chamber. After closing the door, they sit down at a table. David describes the dream in vivid detail to the priest and Hazel. The priest has a strange facial expression, which frightens David. The priest takes notes as David speaks.

"Do you think this could have something to do with your destiny? Perhaps the gods are calling upon you?" the priest asks.

"That might be true, but there is another possibility." David said thoughtfully, "This dream might also relate to my quest to find the Artifact."

"There are many types of artifacts in this world. Some grant wishes. Others curse. But the two main ones are the Atlas, created by Kayotic, and the Illuminati, created by Kryptonick. The Atlas is a diamond shaped crystal that grants the power of the gods. The Illuminati also does this, but has a curse. The Atlas can undo or prevent said curse. If you are lucky enough to find both then you will be as strong as two gods. Prophet X claimed to have found them but most people do not believe it. The Chronicles of Time were written so long ago, maybe he did not fully understand what he wrote." the priest said.

"Is this a message to go and search for it?" David asked

"It may or may not be." the priest said

"That's helpful." Hazel whispered to David.

"Thank you, I guess." David said, standing up.

"You are welcome." the priest said, bowing his head.

David and Hazel exit the church and begin to walk back home to the inn. As they start down the road, David suddenly notices Hazel staring off into the distance. He follows her gaze and sees a small figure running away from them.

"What is it?" he asked

"I'm not sure. It might be a child."

"Could it be an orphan?" she added

David kneels beside Hazel and peers at the figure. It seems to be wearing a brown robe. The person runs down the street, disappearing into the distance. David stands and places a hand on Hazel's shoulder.

"It was probably nothing." David said

They continue on their way.

Once they arrive back at the tavern, They take a seat at an empty table. For some reason the tavern is completely empty. They order food and talk once they finish. After dinner, David and Hazel decide to retire early. They return to their rooms and rest for the night. The next morning, David awakens first. He walks out onto the balcony and watches the dawn break over Azalea Village. Once the sun rises high above the horizon, he makes his way downstairs and patiently waits for Hazel. After meeting outside the inn, they make their way to the Guild.

As usual, the guild is bustling with activity. People of all ages trade goods, buy and sell items and socialize. The Guildmaster happily sits behind the counter exchanging with the Adventurers. There is a large room in the center of the building where adventurers congregate and discuss their adventures.

"Good day, sir!" The guildmaster greeted David when they walked in, "How may we assist you today?"

"I would like to do a quest," David said

"Certainly, sir. What sort of quest are you interested in?" the guildmaster asked

"I want to find an artifact. Something similar to the Atlas." David said, "Can you recommend any quests related to such things?"

"An Artifact. No I cannot. The Artifacts locations are unknown." The Guildmaster said

"What about a hunting one then?" David asked

"Where did your friend go, I just noticed that he's gone." he asked

"Ash went home. It is just Hazel and I." David said

"Anyway, here is the letter." The Guildmaster said, handing him the letter.

David opened it and began to read it. For the quest they have to find and kill an Orc that lives in a nearby cave. David looks at Hazel and then looks at the Guildmaster.

"I don't think we can do this one." David said

"I can help you." a man said from behind

David and Hazel look behind them to see who was talking. Hazel immediately recognized. The man had a gentle smile and wore all black. David looked at his necklace and he was shocked. It was Obsidian.

"My name is... Levi Bruin." Levi said

"We would be so grateful!" David and Hazel exclaimed

The three of them leave the Guild and begin to go to the cave where the Orc lived. After entering, they are surprised to find that it is quite spacious. The floor is a sandy color and the walls are made of rock. A stream flows through the cave and waterfalls fall from the ceiling to create pools of fresh water.

They carefully walk deeper into the cave. David leads them to another part of the cave where they see the Orc sitting next to a fire. It turns around as soon as it hears something and sees the three new visitors.

"Who are you?" The Orc asked.

"I am David, and these are my companions, Hazel. and Levi" David said

"And what are you doing here?" the Orc adds

"We have come to kill you." Hazel replies

"Kill me?" the Orc said sadly, "I knew my life would be short. My family was killed by Adventurers as well."

"Would you like to tell us your name?" David asked

"No, I don't want to be remembered as a monster in this world. Maybe I'll be reborn as a human in the next life," he said, accepting his death, "Please make it quick."

"I will." Levi said

Levi held his arm out and closed his fist. The Orc's head exploded and it died instantly. David and Hazel stood there in silence. Levi finds a tooth and he puts it in his pocket. As they were walking back through the cave to leave, David fell to the ground holding his head and screaming in pain. Levi crouched next to him, trying to calm him down.

"It's here! It's here!" David yells

"What's here? Talk to me!" Levi shouted

"The... the... Darkness." David said calming down

A sinister smirk forms on Levi's face. He stands up and turns around and walks deeper into the cave.

"Where are you going?" Hazel asks

"To get the Artifact." Levi said

They follow Levi into the darkness. After a few minutes, the cave opens up into a large room with a wooden platform standing in the middle. A strange creature is lying on the platform. It is shaped like a man, but has an oversized body with long legs and arms and a small head. Its skin is dark green and its eyes glow silver. Levi is disappointed when the Artifact is not here. He looks around in the shadows and his eyes meet with a golden pair of eyes.

"He is watching from the shadows. There is no artifact, but that beast is a Titan. You guys need to leave. Wait for me at the entrance of the cave." Levi said

"Will you be ok?" David asked

"It is a weak Titan born of a weak god. I will be fine." Levi said, "Now go!"

David and Hazel run out of the cave and leave Levi alone. He calls out to the sleeping beast. Its deformed body rises and it lunges at Levi.

"You're too slow. Now die!" Levi shouts

The Titan rushes forward and hits Levi with its fists. Levi dodges the attack and leaps off the platform onto a ledge below. The Titan lands in front of the ledge and follows after Levi. Levi jumps over the edge and falls into the chasm below. He quickly grabs hold of a rope hanging from the side wall and climbs back up. The Titan leaps over the edge of the cliff, hoping to catch Levi. He jumps on the back of the Titan and pushes it down the deep ravine. Its body slammed on the bottom and a grunt echoed throughout the cave.

"Who are you?" the beast spoke

"I am... Lavernius Bear!" Lavernius revealed himself

"Impossible..." the deformed one said

"Who are you? Tell me before I obliterate you." Lavernius said

"Saluthane. Son of Graadithane, god of the forest." the Titan muttered

Lavernius had no mercy when it came to killing Titans. He took hold of the Titan and ripped its flesh off its body. Saluthane screamed in pain and begged for death.

"Coward!" Lavernius yelled, "Die."

The Titan's limbs were torn apart and its head was ripped off. Lavernius tossed the remains away and stepped on its carcass. Lavernius used his bare hands. He didn't even break a sweat when tore apart the body. Lavernius pulled out the eyes of the Titan. He returned to David and Hazel. He handed the eyes to David.

"Those eyes are worth a lot if you turn them into the Guild. You may even rank up to Gold Tag," Levi said, "Here is the tooth of the Orc as well."

"Where are you going?" David asked

"I need to go back into the cave and explore it." Levi said

"Thank you for the help. We probably would have died there." David said

"It was nothing." Levi said, descending back down into the cave.

David and Hazel head back to the town and go straight to the Guild. David hands over the Orc tooth and the silver eyes of a Titan. The Guildmaster smiles. He gives them five rubies each and thirty gold pieces each.

"These eyes are enough to rank you up, but the rules are that you have to do one final quest." The Guildmaster said

"Alright, Mr. Smith. What is the last quest for a Silver Tag?" David asked

"Here it is." Brandon said

David eagerly opens it and reads it. The last quest they have to do has a Silver Tag is to capture a goblin alive.

"Do you think you can do it?" the Guildmaster asked

"Yes. We should be able to accomplish this task." David said

"Good luck." Brandon said, shaking David's hand.

On the next day, David and Hazel start their journey by heading east. They walk through the woods until a path appears in front of them. They decided to go at nightfall so it would be harder to be spotted. They soon reach a small goblin village. The Adventurers ponder and stir up a plan.

"We should raid the village and only leave one alive so it will be easier to take." David said

"Ok. I will follow your lead." Hazel responded

In the moonlight David and Hazel rased the poorly built structures, which could be described as the monster's homes. Hazel uses energy to slay the green creatures while David slices them up with his steel sword. Without hesitation they had killed the entire village, all except for one goblin. Hazel used gravity Energy so the goblin wouldn't run away.

"Give me the goblin." David said, taking the creature into custody.

"Very well." Hazel replied, grabbing the goblin by its neck. She lifts it high in the air and drops it on the ground. It rolls around and squeals.

"Let's get out of here before any more monsters show up." David said, leading the way out of the village.

The goblin cried the entire time. After what felt like an eternity, they returned to the Guild in the morning. David and Hazel follow Brandon Smith, the Guildmaster, to the basement where they see a prison filled with different kinds of monsters. The GUildmaster violently throws the goblin into a cell block.

"What will you do with it?" Hazel asked

"The Science Guild will do experiments on it," Brandon said, "Let's go back up so I can give you your rewards."

They leave the basement and the Guildmaster presents them with Gold Tags, ten rubies, and two hundred gold coins each. The Adventurers take the gifts with gratitude and leave the Guild.

"Something didn't feel right." Hazel said

"They are just monsters." David said, looking at the ground

Darkness fills the cave. The only source of light is the orb Lavernius was holding. He walked back to where he had slayed the Titan and looked for the golden eyes in the dark. Many things were in his mind, but fear was not one of them. Before he knew it he was staring into the eyes of Darkness.

"Did you like the show?" Lavernius asked

"Why did you return?" Darkness asked

"I had too." Lavernius said

"You could have stayed with Levi. She was a mother to both of you. He feels sorrow as well." Darkness said, "You must be sad as well."

"Now is not the time for mourning. I have a mission to complete." Lavernius said, "It isn't here. I can't feel the Energy. That boy must have been talking about you and the Titan."

"That is what you are after. First you steal the orb and now you are after the artifacts. You seek power." Darkness said, "Beware the gods can see you."

Lavernius turns around. He begins to climb out of the cave. A wild thought came to his mind. He got on his horse that he tied to a tree near the entrance of the cave and rode in the direction of Azalea Village.