End of Peace

The rising light-bringer glows red and sends rays throughout the kingdom. Jack aimlessly wanders around the kingdom with his daughter, Evelyn. Today's her tenth birthday and to celebrate they are walking down the market at high noon. Jack is still trying to find something good to buy.

They come across a great jewelry store. As soon as they enter, Jack asks the shopkeeper if he has anything nice for a girl turning ten. The shopkeeper shows him some rings that sparkle under the bright sun.

"These are pretty. They look expensive though." Evelyn said

"She's my little princess. I don't care how much they cost." Jack said, examining the jewels.

"Is there another kind of ring you might like, my Lord?" the shopkeeper asked.

Jack looks at his daughter and thinks for a moment, "If you want to get one, just say so."

"Can I have this one?" Evelyn asked

She was holding an ocean blue. She wanted that one because of her father's right eye. They purchase the beautiful ring and leave the shop. A caretaker, Maria, came and grabbed Evelyn. Jack said goodbye and Maria walked off, escorted by four Dust Knights. The king was guarded by two Dusk Knights at all times.

Jack strolls back to the main castle and is interrupted by a messenger. The messenger introduced himself as Herald Toffer. He had a panicked look on his face.

"What is wrong, Herald." King Jack asked

"A man close to the description of Lavernius was spotted in Azalea Village. Apparently he has been going by the name of Levi Bruin. Two of our spies confirmed it." Herald reported

"Eleven years. It has been eleven years since I heard that name. Keep a watch on him. I want someone with or near him. They must write letters daily." Jack ordered

"Right away, sir!" Herald said

Herald got back on his horse and rode out of the city. A peaceful smile was on the king's face, but with revengeful eyes. The knights guide him back to his quarters and he rejoins with his daughter for the remainder of the day.

As the kingdom sleeps a dangerous man enters the kingdom. He began to set fire to houses and killed guards and civilians alike. Eventually, Jack suits up and heads down to the center of town where the man is. Jack instantly recognized him.

"Hunter Rina!" Jack called out

"Jack Clover! The man I was waiting for!" Hunter called out

"Why are you here? Rampaging and killing?" Jack asked

"This is MY act of war!" Hunter yelled

"You won't leave this place!" Jack yelled

Jack unsheathed his sword and the Dust Knights surrounded Hunter. Hunter prepares to fight. The revengeful king dashed at Hunter. As Jack closed in, Hunter was ready and dodged to the side. Jack quickly turned and attacked swiftly. Hunter is much stronger than Jack, but Jack is faster. The king's speed increases and so does his rage. Hunter parries the incoming strikes and begins his own assault. He overpowered the king rather quickly. The Dust Knights rushed to his aid. Hunter turned his focus to the knights and fought all five of them at once. He managed to kill three and the other two were too tired to continue. He turns back to Jack, who is struggling to stand.

"Monsters, Titans, warriors... All of them are threats." Hunter said, walking to Jack.

Hunter kicks Jack back to the ground. He raised his sword over Jack's chest. Before he can impale Jack, Jerry tackles Hunter to the ground. The brave general quickly knocked Hunter out and tied his wrists together.

"Sir, are you alright?" Jerry asked, helping him up.

"Yeah, thanks. Have him thrown into a cellar with two Dust Knights there watching him at all times." Jack ordered

Jerry and the two knights carried Hunter to the prison before he regained consciousness. Jack returned to his chambers and collapsed onto his bed. Three days later, Hunter is moved to another cell. This new cell was smaller than the last one. There were three Dust Knights guarding him. Jack visits him frequently to ask him questions, but Hunter never responds. After hours of trying to talk to him, Jack gives up. He goes to see Jerry in his office.

"What brings you here, my Lord?" Jerry asked

"What should we do?" Jack said

"He's a monster. We should kill him before he causes more trouble." Jerry replied

"Is that the only thing to do?" Jack asked

"No, but he is really dangerous." Jerry said

Jack goes to the beautiful garden to clear his mind. He sits on a stone bench to ponder. He closes his eyes and slowly starts to drift off. Suddenly he feels something. Someone is watching him. Jack opens his eyes and sees a mysterious figure walk around the garden. Jack follows the person with his eyes, unsure if he is a friend or foe. The mysterious person stops at a tree and places his palm on the tree. The man is too far away to see any details. Jack tried to stand but his legs couldn't move. He looks around and sees the garden warping. He looked back at the man, and he was gone. Jack rubbed his eyes and everything went back to normal. The only thing Jack could notice about the man was his jacket was gold and his hair was blonde. Jack didn't feel threatened or fear from the man, but he felt calmness and peace. He got up and walked to where the man in gold was standing. On the tree there was a name carved into it. It said Damien.

"Damien..." Jack muttered to himself, "Who are you?"

Jack returned to the prison cell where Hunter was being kept. Hunter is sitting in the corner of the room. He turned to look at Jack.

"Damien." Jack bluntly said

"How do you know that name?" Hunter asked, walking to the bars.

"Who is he?" Jack asked

"The first human to slay a Titan." Hunter answered

"A Titan?" Jack asked, surprised by this news.

"Yes, a Titan." Hunter confirmed, sitting on the chair in the cell

"Doesn't Lavernius also kill Titans?" Jack asked

"Weak ones. Damien killed one of the Ten Kami. Ophion son of Veritas. He was Rank 10. The lowest one, but still impressively strong. They are called the Ten Kami because they are as strong as the weaker gods." Hunter said

"Why do you know him?" Jack asked

"He saved my village from the Titan." Hunter said

"Why did you attack?" Jack asked

"I was ordered to by Darkness." Hunter answered

"Darkness?" Jack asked

"He is the guardian of the Illuminati and is a splinter of Kryptonick's soul." Hunter said

"That's all I had." Jack said

Jack left Hunter alone in the cell. The three Dust Knights watch over him very closely and carefully. A few minutes after Jack leaves, Hunter gets up and walks to the cell door. He breaks it and opens it wide. He approaches the three Dust Knights and stares into their eyes. In the blink of an eye, the Dust Knights are ripped to pieces. Blood and gore splatters across the floor. Hunter steps through the open cell and heads for the exit. He turns around and sees golden eyes staring back at him. Hunter grabbed one of the knight's swords that was on the ground.

"Finish the job." Darkness said

"I will no longer listen to you, false god." Hunter said

Jack rushed down after hearing the commotion. In front of him stood a phantom and a warrior. Hunter was covered in blood, but he wasn't injured. The Dust Knight's bodies laid scattered around them.

"Hunter!" Jack cried out

"It was him!." Hunter said

"I don't know what happened." Jack said

"Help me defeat this splinter!" Hunter said

Jack unsheathed his sword and fought side-by-side with Hunter. The prison was a small room so it was difficult to move around effectively. Both warriors blocked attacks while attacking their opponents at the same time. Jack was able to land some blows against the phantom, but the phantom was much faster. They each struck against the Dark. His movements were clumsy and slow compared to Hunter's speed. The warriors soon realized that they weren't fighting a human. Jack noticed when he struck it, his blade would phase through the monster. Hunter still attacked Darkness even though he wasn't doing anything. Jack told Hunter to stop and they regrouped. Hunter gathered little Energy and shot a fireball at the beast. Once it made contact, it screeched in pain. It opened its mouth and released a plasma beam of energy. This hit the ground and exploded next to Hunter. He dodged the beam. The creature laughed and headed for Hunter. Jack channeled fire Energy and shot more fireballs at it.

"It's weak to Energy!" Jack shouted

"I know!" Hunter yelled

Hunter imbued his sword with fire Energy and swung at the creature. The blade glowed red hot in his hands. Darkness dodged the attack and disappeared into the dark. Jack and Hunter twisted in circles looking for the god in the dark dungeon. The monster moved slowly. Its movements were very stiff. When it saw Jack and Hunter, it tried to attack again but they were already prepared. Hunter jumped toward the creature and stabbed it in the chest. This hit the creature and sent it flying backward.

"It's not dead yet." Jack said

"We can take it." Hunter said

Hunter ran toward the creature and swung at its face. The Darkness screamed in agony. Jack charged and stabbed it in the chest. The monster turned into mist and vanished into the vents. It was gone. The tired fighters looked at each other.

"What now?" Hunter asked

"I... I don't know. I can't just throw you in prison, but I also can't let you leave." Jack said

The King paces back and forth, thinking about what to do with the enemy warrior, Hunter. Hunter leaned against the wall and waited for Jack to make up his mind. Once Jack stopped in place, he looked over at Hunter. Hunter looked back at him. Jack sighed and headed to the dungeon door. He opened it and stepped outside.

"You can go now." Jack said

"Thank you, King." Hunter said

Hunter walked out of the prison and down the hall. A few minutes later, Jack came out. He looked depressed and sullen. The king walked the dark halls. He found himself wandering aimlessly. He stopped before an old painting. There was a man in the picture who seemed familiar. The king, Jack Shard, found himself in the family room. The person in the picture was his grandfather, Frank Shard. He stepped inside and looked around. It was just as he had left it years ago. Everything was exactly the same. Jack sat down and placed his head in his hands. He felt so lonely. He couldn't understand why he was feeling this way. He wanted nothing more than to be with his wife. Jack closed his eyes and pictured his wife sitting in the chair next to him. Suddenly, Jack heard someone calling out from the hall. He turned to look at who was calling out. It was his daughter, Evelyn. She was standing there, wearing her white dress and holding a bouquet of flowers.

"Hi Daddy," she said

"My sweet girl." Jack said

Evelyn sat down on the couch and placed the flowers in the vase by the fireplace. Jack picked up the picture frame and looked at the photo of his wife and him. He remembered how happy he was the day they got married. Jack took off his crown and placed it onto the table. Evelyn sat on his lap and soon enough they fell asleep next to the crackling fire.