Journey Home

Sephtis asked questions and David answered them. The cool wind calmed them down and the warm food felt good down their throats. Ash and Hazel were leaning against each other, Hazel was passed out.

"Where are you from?" Sephtis asked

"We are from Azalea Village. We have a cart in the forest with a horse." David said

"Assuming he didn't take it." Sephtis said

"He ran south, to the shore. I think he prepared a boat." David said

"How? Why?" Sephtis asked

"He talked about a mountain south of the Shark Sea. He's going after the Artifacts." David said

"You did well." Sephtis said

"No, we- I was too weak. I couldn't use Energy to break the portal, I couldn't use enough strength to stop him. I- I'm so useless." David began to cry.

"You are just kids! You did better than most of my soldiers! You should be proud that you survived this far." Sephtis said

"Can I ask a question?" David asked

"Of course." Sephtis said

"Why do you cover your face with that silver mask?" David asked

"That's because..." Sephtis said

"I understand." David said, "Sorry for asking."

"Thank you for helping us." Ash said

"Sure thing." Sephtis said

"Where are you headed?" David asked

"We are leaving tomorrow morning and going back to Golden Gate." Sephtis said

"Have you done what you wanted here?" David asked

"Yeah, it sounds like you guys did the hard work for us." Sephtis laughed

"Yeah." David smiled softly

"Do you want to get stronger?" Sephtis asked

"Yes." David answered

"Go to Stoneridge. It is North East of your village. It is around a days worth of travel. Find a man named Othun Fox. He can train you and help you channel more Energy." Sephtis said

"Thank you." David said

"You are welcome to sleep here with us tonight." Sephtis said

"That would be great." David said

Sephtis showed them to a tent. David thanked him and he walked to his own. The moon rose and the shy stars shone bright in the darkness. David and Ash sat outside while Hazel slept. They looked up at the stars, talking about their future and how they were going to improve their skills and weapons. Silence fell upon them.

"What are stars?" Ash asked

"Stars? My father told me a story. There were two brothers. They loved each other and never wanted to be apart. One day, the eldest brother fell ill. There was only one cure, a black rose. The younger brother promised his brother that he would find the flower and bring it back to his ill brother. He went to the first village that he found. He asked the citizens, but no one knew where it grew. Then he moved onto the next village. Still no one knew. Finally, he found a village where someone had a vague idea. The stranger said to him, 'On the West, where the sun dies.' Then the brother traveled for days westward. He found nothing. When all hope was lost he met a beast gilded with darkness. 'O, Beast! Help me save my brother!' he cried and begged. The beast stood up and plucked a black rose from his body. 'Darkness grows within me. Darkness grows around me. Darkness grows and flows, never ending.' the Beast spoke. The brother graciously took the flower without a second thought. He rushed home, only to find his brother had already died. In grief and rage, he cursed the Beast and stomped on the flower. Suddenly the Beast appeared before him. 'Why do you curse me? Why destroy my gift?" he said. With tears the brother said, 'I want to be with my brother!' Then the Beast offered him something. 'You can be with your brother, if you wish. For all eternity.' The brother fell to his knees and begged and begged. The Beast took the souls of both brothers and set them into the sky. He placed them next to each other and the brothers were happy. Now, the Beast takes the souls of lovers and places them into the great sky so that they can be together, forever." David said

"Wow... What a beautiful story." Ash said, yawning.

"We should get some sleep." David said

"Yeah." Ash agreed

They went into the tent and went to sleep. David woke up as the sun rose over the horizon. The three of them packed up their things and said goodbye to Sephtis and the others. The Golden Gate platoon sailed back and the Adventurers went back to their wagon.

David got in the front while Ash and Hazel were in the back. Ash and David switched every hour. The scenery was beautiful. They took very few breaks to make it back home in under a week. David and Ash spent the entire time talking about what they learned, discussing how they could improve their skills and weapons.

Back in the village, everyone was ecstatic to see the three of them again. David immediately went home. Hazel and Ash went into the Guild House. The Guildmaster was confused to only see three instead of four.

"Welcome back." he said, "Where is Levi Bruin?"

"That's a long story." Ash said

"He is alive, sadly." Hazel said

"Sadly?" he asked

"Wait until David gets here. He will tell you." Ash said

The Guild House was empty. Only the Guildmaster was inside. Ash and Hazel sat down at a table and waited for David to arrive. While they waited, the Guildmaster brought them food and drinks.

After a while, David entered the Guild House. He sat down with Ash and Hazel. The Guildmaster sat next to David and proceeded to ask questions. David answered them and soon enough, he had no more questions. Silence fell upon them.

"So, where's our reward?" Ash asked

"Ah, yes!" he said, going in the back.

"We should get a good amount." David said

The Guildmaster came out with three rubies, nine hundred gold pieces, and three diamonds. He split them up among the three of them. They thanked him and walked out into the street. The three of them stood in the street looking around.

"Now what?" Ash asked

"Excuse me?" a voice said behind them

"Yes?" David said turning around

In front of him was a young man. He wore a dark trench coat, dark trousers and shoes. He had a white button-down shirt and had a black fedora hat. His face had a light beard. He had slicked back black hair that covered the back of his neck. He seemed to have no weapon on him.

"Can we help you?" David asked

"My name is Kenneth. Kenneth Yorkimon," Kenneth said, "I'm visiting from Dusk. I'm a little lost."

"What or who are you trying to find?" David asked

"I'm looking for the Adventurer's Guild." Kenneth replied

"Then you're in the right place." David said

"Thank you. It has been a long journey." he said

"Yeah," David said, "If you need any help finding things, feel free to ask anyone in town."

"Thanks." Kenneth said

"I'll show you where it is." David said

David pointed to the sign. Kenneth tipped his hat and walked towards the building. They looked at each other and then back and he was gone.