
A week passed by, the air became cold and the leaves turned brown. The three adventurers packed up and prepared their wagon that Lavernius left. They said goodbye and set off for Stoneridge where they would meet Othun Fox. The trip would take at least a day and the town was North East from Azalea Village.

David drove the wagon while Hazel and David rode in the back. Ash and David took turns driving and riding. Ash and Hazel spent most of the trip talking.

Stoneridge was a small country town. It was on a hill and was surrounded by forest. A large river ran through the center of the town. The main road led straight to the city gates which opened at dawn and closed at dusk. A great wall surrounds the forest and the city. The city was built along the banks of the river. The city was a part of Golden Gate.

As soon as they arrived, Ash and David hopped out of the wagon. Hazel stayed at the wagon. The two of them headed west towards the Adventurer's Guild.

An hour later, David and Ash came out of the Guild and went to the wagon. They went to the inn after getting Hazel and got a room and unpacked their things from the wagon. In the inn were three small beds, a table and chairs, and a small fire place. They sat down at the table to discuss what they would do next.

"It's nice having all this money from the Guild." Ash said

"Yeah, it is." Hazel said

"Let's talk about why we are here." David said

"Did the Guild tell you anything?" Hazel asked

"Yeah, Othun fox lives in the forest outside of the city. He is extremely skilled in the use of Energy." David said

"Did they tell you where?" Hazel asked

"Yeah, on the hill." Ash said

"We should go tomorrow morning." David said

"Yeah." Ash and Hazel said

The three of them went around the city and looked at the different buildings and homes. They stopped at the market and bought provisions. They walked around the city and looked at the various shops and stores.

They decided to eat at an inn near the docks. They ate a large meal and drank some ale. Afterward, they walked around the city once more.

The city was beautiful. The buildings were made of stone and the streets were cobbled together. The walls were high and thick. It was quiet and the people seemed friendly. The sun began to set. They returned to the inn and fell asleep.

The next morning, they woke up early and had breakfast. Afterward, they packed their bags and headed south towards the gate.

The forest was vast. It stretched far into the distance. There was nothing around except for the occasional tree. They made their way to the hill and saw an old wooden cabin. Smoke was coming out of the chimney.

They approached the cabin. It was small and had one door and a window. There was a tall wooden fence surrounding the cabin. The roof was shingled with slate tiles. A small garden was behind the house. There was a large apple tree in the middle. It had a wide trunk and branches that grew close to the ground. They walked through the gate and knocked on the door. They waited a few minutes before knocking again. An old man answered the door. He was bald and had a short beard. His eyes were green and he had a cane. He wore while clothes and had a friendly smile.

"How can I help you?" he said

"Are you Othun Fox?" David said

"Yes, who are you?" he asked

"I'm David, that's Ash and Hazel. Sephtis Mabuz sent us. He said you could help train us." David said

"Sephtis? Ah, Sephtis!" he said, "My old friend. Yes I would love to help you. What type of Energy do you want to practice?"

"Water." David said

"Fire." Ash said

"Healing." Hazel said

"Wonderful!" he said, "Come in! Come in!"

They entered the cabin and Othun prepared tea. They told him their story and why they want to get stronger. When Lavernius' name was said his eyes bulged with surprise. David continued the story until he got to where they are now. Othun listened closely and nodded slowly.

"You've come a long way since then. You have gotten much stronger. And you're still young... This is good. Very good."

"Thank you." David said

"Don't thank me yet. Let's see how strong you really are." Othun said

Othun told them to follow him. He left the cabin and went to a field behind his house. He told them to focus and try to unleash as much Energy as they could. The first one up was David. He was able to control the water he summoned quite well. Othun was surprised how much Energy David could channel without any prior training.

"You, my boy, are very strong." Othun said, patting David on his back.

Next up was Ash. He was able to create a small wall of fire. It didn't last long. Othun patted him on the back and smiled. Lastly was Hazel, she focused her Energy on a dying plant. Within seconds she was able to revive it.

"Well done!" Othun cheered.

They went into the house and ate some food. The cabin was small but it was well kept. Othun smiled as he talked to them.

"I see great potential in each of you. Come here every day for the rest of the week and I promise I will help you reach a new height." he said

"Thank you." David said for the group.

They waved goodbye and walked back to the city. The autumn leaves looked beautiful and the forest smelled like maple. The city was quiet.

They repeated this for the next week. They went to the cabin in the woods and trained with Othun. He would show them different ways to channel their desired Energy. David had the most strength, he was able to hold his Energy the longest and use the most. Ash learned how to imbue his sword with fir Energy, but he couldn't get enough to make it last. Hazel learned how to use healing Energy faster and make it faster. Othun had her use it on dying rats. Some of the rats had dismembered limbs. She was able to restore them and make them completely healthy. Othun showed off his own skills and they were in awe. He showed them what water, fire, and healing Energy could do with a huge amount of strength. He showed them how to fight with a sword as well. Their combat skills greatly increased. They sparred against Othun, but none could even scratch him.

On the last day, Othun prepared a huge feast for them after training. They talked like they were a family.

"It has been a pleasure training you," Othun said.

David nodded and thanked him.

"You have all improved so much. I am impressed." he said

"Thank you." Hazel said

"You're welcome." he said

Ash smiled and said, "We'll be back."

They hugged him and thanked him one last time before departing. Othun waved as they walked into the forest and back to the city. The sun was beginning to set so they had to hurry back before the gates closed.