
"Why is he here? How? What? It's not fair..." David said to himself, "What are we supposed to do? How can we st-"

"Kenneth!" David yelled

"Go! Run! Get out of here!" Kenneth yelled

"We have to go!" Ash said

"But, my parents. They live in that direction!" David shouted

Ash grabbed David's arm and began to flee the village and from the Titan. Hazel was leading them into the forest. Once they were deep in the forest, David fell to his knees and cried.

"AHHH!" David shouted in pain

Ash and Hazel comforted him.

"Don't worry about your parents. We'll find them. I promise!" Ash said

"How can you be sure?" David asked

"Because I would never let you go alone. If anything happens, I'll make sure that you're safe." Ash said

"Thank you, Ash." David said

"You're welcome. Now we need to hurry." Ash said

They ran through the forest. The snow began to fall harder. Ash was leading them to Vypor, which was a few days out by foot.

"Where are we going?" David asked

"To Vypor, it is the nearest city," Ash said, "It might take a while."

"Why was Kenneth there?" Hazel asked

"I don't know. But, I'm glad" David said

"Yeah, me too. If he didn't show up then we would be fighting that." Ash said

"His eyes, it said '1'. Why would a Titan that is so powerful be at Azalea Village?" David said

"I don't know. Maybe for fun." Hazel said

The sun began to set and the air got colder. David always carried food on him and shared it with his friends. The snow eventually stopped falling but without the sun it won't melt. Every step they took crunched on the snow and they sank a little in it. They all were silent for the rest of the trip.

When they reached Vypor, they found a small inn. They collapsed on their beds and slept soundly. When David woke up, he felt refreshed and new. He checked his pockets and saw that he still had the same amount of coins as the day before. He was happy and relieved. They ate breakfast together and made plans for the next leg of their journey.

"My house is on the other side of town. It will probably take an hour or so to get there." Ash said

"Will they allow us to stay?" David asked

"Yeah, they are very nice." Ash said

"Thank you." Hazel said

After eating, they journeyed over to Ash's house. The city was beautiful. All the houses were dark red with brown roofs. The streets were made of brick. The people of the city weren't only human, but monsters as well. There were hybrids of humans and monsters, too. They were so welcoming and kind. Despite the size of the city, a lot of people were saying 'hello' to Ash.

They finally stood before Ash's house. The bottom half was a store and the top half was the actual house. They entered the shop and his mom was behind the counter. When she made eye contact with Ash, she began to cry and she rushed over to hug him.

"Ash! Ash!" She cried with a smile on her face

"Hi, Mom. It's been a while. These are my friends. That's Hazel and that's David." Ash said

"Nice to meet you." David and Hazel said

"Their village was destroyed by a Titan, named Leviathan." Ash said

"Leviathan?" Phoenix asked, coming out from the corner

"Dad!" Ash ran and hugged him, "These are my friends, I was wondering if they can live here."

"If they have nowhere else, of course." Phoenix said

"Thank you so much." David and Hazel said

"You said Leviathan. Why was he th-?" Phoenix began to talk but then looked into David's eyes, "Oh, that's why."

"What?" David asked

"You don't know? What color were your parents' eyes?" Phoenix asked

"Brown and blue. I was told I have an eye disorder that caused them to be this color." David said

"Electrum." Mary said

"Electrum?" David said, "What is that?"

"It is super rare to see because they are hunted by Titans and even some gods." Phoenix said, "Your blood is very special. Leviathan wanted to eat you."

David's face was covered with shock. He put his hand on his face and began to cry.

"It was my fault... He came to the village because of me. First I helped Lavernius with his personal quest, and then I led a monster into Azalea Village." David said

"Did you say Lavernius? As in Lavernius Bear?" Phoenix asked

"Yeah, you know him?" David asked

"Yeah, I fought against him once." Phoenix said

"You are him! Hearts of Flame!" Hazel said, "My Master is Jerry Dowel, he used to follow you. Do you remember him?"

"Ah yes, he was brave." Phoenix said

"Let's go inside and talk." Mary said

Mary led them upstairs into the house. It was rather small but could fit four people comfortably. On the walls of the house were paintings of their families. Ash's room was next to his sister's and the parents' were across the hall. Near the kitchen was a couch and a fireplace. A large table sat in the middle of the living room.

"Would you like something to drink?" Mary asked

"Water would be great." David said

"Okay, I'll get it right away." She left the living room and went down to the kitchen.

"Thanks." David said

"Tell me, David. Your whole story." Phoenix said

"Where would you like me to start?" David asked

"When you met my son, Ash. Tell all the way up to when the Titan attacked your village, Azalea Village." Phoenix said