Empire of Dython

The sun slowly rose above the horizon. It lit up the entire kingdom. The morning dew sparkled on the ground. A cool breeze blew over the plains and hills. Everything seemed perfect. Then a loud thump sound from behind him. His heart dropped as he turned around.

"Oh sorry, my Lord Dython Fiklor." Ositron Lyn said, picking up what he dropped.

"It's alright. It just scared me." Dython said

Dython Fiklor was tall and muscular. He wore a dark green cloak with gold trimming. On his forehead was an elaborate golden crown. He had long black hair tied back into a ponytail. His beard was thick and curly. Dython was the king of the Empire of Dython. On his waist was a belt with a long sword.

Ositron Lyn was a young man. He was shorter than Dython by a few inches. His short brown hair was parted neatly and combed straight. He was wearing a light blue robe. On top of his head was a red cape. He carried a wooden staff.

"Is your Majesty awake?" Ositron asked, comically.

"What? Yes! Yes, I am awake." Dython replied, with a laugh.

"Good, then follow me. The queen is waiting for you." Ositron said

Ositron led Dython through the streets of the capital. The people bowed in respect and then continued with their daily lives. The knights escorted Dython and Ositron to Rose Fiklor, the queen.

Once they made it to her chambers, Ositron and the knights waited outside of the room. Dython sat next to her and rubbed her belly. They laughed. Rose had beautiful silver hair and bright emerald eyes. She wore a white dress with a small pink sash. Her necklace held a large diamond. She smiled at Dython.

"In a few weeks, we will have a small little baby. Johannes if it is a boy." Dython said

"Iris if it is a girl." Rose said

"I'm sure you have heard the news about Golden Gate." Dython said

"Yeah, how the demon is out of his den? I heard." Rose said

"We aren't far from Golden Gate. We could mobilize quickly and over take it." Dython said

"Talk to Ositron about it. Both of you are extremely smart." Rose said

"Do you need anything?" Dython asked

"No, just sleep." she said

"I'll see you later." Dython said.

He stood up and kissed her goodbye. He walked out and closed the door behind him. Ositron followed close behind. They walked down the hall into the war room, where they planned their tactics and strategies.

"This plan sounds great. I think we should go with this." Dython said

"That's what I thought." Ositron replied

"When do you want to launch our attack?" Dython asked

"Let's say in a month. That way, the soldiers will be rested and ready. Plus, winter is here. If we attack now, it would be too cold to fight in. We can wait until spring." Ositron explained

"Alright then, let's make sure everything is prepared and ready." Dython said

"We shouldn't waste any time. Let's head to the training grounds and announce our plan." Ositron said

"Yeah, sounds good." Dython agreed

The training grounds were on the other side of the castle. The two of them were escorted the whole way. The scenery was beautiful. Snow covered the mountains in the distance. As they neared the training fields, the sound of many men cheering filled the air. Dython and Ositron stopped in front of a tent. Inside were several hundred men. All were clad in full armor. Some had swords or axes while others carried spears or bows. Each one had their own weapon, but all were dressed alike.

"Welcome to the army of the Empire of Dython." Ositron announced, "In one month, we are going to march on Golden Gate."

The soldiers cheered and shouted their approval. Dython looked at each of them, proud.

"We will train every day! If you think you cannot fight, think again! One month seems like a long time, but in reality, that is no time at all." Dython said

Once again, the knights cheered. They were dismissed and began to train again. Dython and Ositron watched them. The training grounds were filled with shouting. Dython had a gentle smile on his face as he watched his soldiers. After a few minutes, they left and returned to the palace.

The sun began to set and Ositron said good night and left Dython. Dython returned to his chambers. He laid next to Rose, she was fast asleep. He laid there for a moment before getting under the covers and falling asleep himself.

The sun rose and the rays hit Lavernius' eyes directly. He woke up and crawled out of his bed within the rubble of Light. He stepped out and walked around a little. The wind was warm and he felt calm. He sat down on a broken bench. He could only think about his brother. The more he thought about him, the angrier he got. He kept saying to himself, "I will kill all of them."

He heard footsteps and he quickly got to his feet. In the corner of his eye, he saw a tall man wearing a black trench coat and a black fedora. The man walked closer and had his sword drawn. Lavernius unsheathed his sword and got in a defensive stance.

"Who are you?" Lavernius asked

"I finally found you, Lavernius Bear. This city was a lot bigger than I remember. I can get a lot of money if I bring in your cold body, " Kenneth said, "My name is Kenneth Yorkimon. I'm a bounty hunter."

"We don't have to fight." Lavernius said

"You are just gonna roll over and die?" Kenneth asked

"No, you can leave now. I don't want to kill an innocent person." Lavernius said

"I'm far from innocent. No human is innocent. Not even a child. We are all sinners. Deep down in our hearts, we are evil. People, they are all the same. Some pretend to be saints and cover their past. Some wear masks to cover their broken souls. Some, like me, embrace the darkness. It's in our blood, we can't escape it." Kenneth said

"Human nature is complicated. It is true that no one teaches a child to hit, but they subconsciously already know. Evil is woven in our hearts, minds and souls," Lavernius said, "If we fight, I will kill you."

"There's only one way to find out." Kenneth said, getting ready to charge.