Beginning of The End

The wind stood still. Lavernius backed away slowly. Kenneth charged and swung his blade at Lavernius' head. Lavernius blocked the strike with his own sword. He struck back. Kenneth parried and tried to counterattack. Lavernius blocked. They exchanged blows. Both of them moved quickly and used speed rather than brute strength to gain the advantage. Lavernius used the obsidian sword he got from Leviathan. Kenneth was relentless, Lavernius matched his speed and strength easily. Kenneth has met his match.

Lavernius cut and slashed. His sword sliced through Kenneth's defenses easily. He attacked again and again. Kenneth dodged most of the strikes but couldn't avoid all of them. He fell backwards and rolled onto his back. Lavernius took this opportunity to attack. He jumped towards Kenneth and landed on top of him. He held his sword above Kenneth's neck and prepared to strike. Kenneth grabbed his wrist and pushed Lavernius off him. They both went on the offensive. They stood in place, Kenneth was catching his breath. While Lavernius wasn't even sweating.

Kenneth sprinted at him and sliced at his legs. His blade cut through, but it was shallow. He looked at the wound he just made, and fear overtook him. It healed, there wasn't even a scratch. Lavernius spun around and sliced at his arm. Kenneth rolled out of the way and avoided being cut. They circled each other once again.

They stood facing each other and neither moved. Kenneth charged and tackled Lavernius to the ground. They rolled across the ground and struggled to stand. They both lost their grips on their swords. They rolled down a hill and stood back up. Kenneth harnessed Energy and shot a fire ball at Lavernius. He held out his hand and absorbed the Energy. Kenneth took a step back in shock.

"You can't beat me." Lavernius said, sliding a dagger down his sleeve into his palm.

"Don't underestimate me!" Kenneth said, grabbing a dagger that was holstered on his back.

Lavernius dashed forward at Kenneth. Kenneth swung at him, Lavernius ducked under it and slashed at his chest. Kenneth blocked the blow. Lavernius punched Kenneth in the stomach. Kenneth doubled over in pain. Lavernius stabbed him in the chest and twisted the blade. Kenneth fell to his knees. Blood dripped down from his chest. Lavernius let go of the blade and Kenneth grasped it. They both sat down across from each other.

"You fought well, Kenneth Yorkimon." Lavernius said

"You weren't even trying, Lavernius Bear." Kenneth said

"You knew that you stood no chance, why did you try?" Lavernius said

"You are an extraordinary fighter. I wanted to see how I would do against you." Kenneth said

"You did well." Lavernius said

"No, I failed. Jack will be disappointed in me." Kenneth said

"Jack? Jack Shard?" Lavernius asked

"Yeah, he sent me after you. One of the scouts saw you in Azalea Village. I talked to your old comrade, David Corty. He told me about your plan." Kenneth said

"He sees me as a monster." Lavernius said

"You will be a monster." Kenneth said, coughing.

"You got a family?" Lavernius asked

"No, I only live for fighting. I never had that sexual urge most people have. I get my adrenaline from fights like these. You are the first to fatally wound me." Kenneth said

"Do you know healing Energy?" Lavernius asked

"No, I can only use fire." Kenneth said

"Allow me to show you." Lavernius said

Lavernius pulled out the dagger lodged in his chest and placed his hand on the wound. In a few seconds the blood stopped spilling and the skin regenerated. Kenneth had a surprised expression. Lavernius stood up and held out his hand. Kenneth hesitated but accepted it. Lavernius pulled him up to his feet.

"Why?" Kenneth asked

"You are just like me. Life without action is so boring and plain. I don't understand how people could live a 'peaceful' life. It would drive me insane. Like you said earlier, violence is branded on humanity's soul." Lavernius

"Yeah..." Kenneth said

They walked over to where their swords flew to. Kenneth picked his up. The sheath was scorched black with red stains along its length. Lavernius shook his hand.

"I hope we fight again." Kenneth said

"Maybe on the same side." Lavernius said

"Maybe... maybe." Kenneth said

Kenneth walked over to the harbor and sailed back home, back to Dusk. Lavernius packed his stuff and began to walk west, towards the mountain in the golden fields.

Kenneth arrived in Dusk late at night. The kingdom was fast asleep. He walked into the throne room and found King Jack Shard sitting patiently on the throne. The moon was full and the room was lit by its light. Jack nodded and smiled at Kenneth.

"I failed, my lord." Kenneth said, kneeling in front of him.

"What do you mean?" Jack asked

"He won the fight. I couldn't kill him. He fatally wounded me, but then healed me. I didn't understand why." Kenneth said

"Interesting. At least you are alive." Jack said

"We shared the same world views, so maybe that's why he spared me." Kenneth said

"You are excused." Jack said

"Sir." Kenneth said.

He stood up and bowed before his king. He walked out of the palace and returned home.

The birds chirped as the sun rose. The wind whistled through the open windows. The rays of the sun brightened the living room where David was sleeping. His eyes opened and he stretched. He went over to the window and looked outside. The streets were empty and there was not much noise. The sun just rose over the horizon. It shone brightly on the buildings.

He went into the kitchen and saw Ash's parents eating. Phoenix was reading a book and Mary was finishing her meal.

"Hey." David said

"Today's the day." Phoenix said

"Yeah, I haven't been to Dusk yet. I haven't met a king either." David said

"Is Hazel still sleeping?" Mary asked

"Yeah. So is Ash." David said

"We got a long road ahead of us." Phoenix said

"What if he says no?" Mary asked

"He won't. He wants to kill Lavernius just as much as I do." Phoenix said

"I can't wait for the journey." David said

"It will take a week or two. Then we have to travel to Light and hopefully Lavernius will already be in the other world." Phoenix said

"Why?" David asked

"Because it will be easier to stop him if he used his strength already." Phoenix explained

David began to make his breakfast. His face was emotionless. He was the one who wanted to kill Lavernius the most. Because of Lavernius, his life was destroyed.

Dython stood on the balcony and watched the sunrise. Rose was soundly asleep. He quietly left his chambers and walked the halls of his kingdom. His footsteps echoed through the halls. Knights nodded their heads as he passed by. On his face was a killer smile. He couldn't wait to take over Golden Gate. Ositron met Dython in the hallway.

"Preparations are going well. The soldiers have improved, my lord." Ositron said

"Excellent." Dython said

"Just a month left. Then our invasion will begin." Ositron said

"They won't know until it's too late." Dython began to laugh.