WebNovelThe JOKER16.67%

Lifeless Body


Suddenly, various scenes flashed before my eyes as I held her in my arms.

My bloody palms, messy room, broken dishes, and a lifeless body on my lap.

"Sir! We need to bring the madam to the hospital, quick!"

A note in my hand. It's a letter of apology.


In the letter, he said, "Sean, I guess I'll have to go first after all. Make sure to live life happily, hmm? Unlike me..."

"Sir! The madam…"

But how the heck am I supposed to live happily now then, you selfish bastard! Idiot! Moron!


The loud sirens of the ambulance and police cars playing in the background. Drowning the guttural scream that echoes to the four corners of that very room.


So that's what it is, huh. To be happy. Right, Karl? You're an idiot after all. You could have just told me.


Seated on the right end of the tandem seating chair. While on the other end is the coachman from earlier. Looking like an empty shell, mumbling some incoherent words. I can only manage to catch a few words.

"...my source of income."

All the walls are painted with white paint. In front of me is a gigantic double-swing door. At the very top of it were red uppercase letters. It reads, "EMERGENCY". Inside was Miss Patricia, unconscious.

I don't remember when and how exactly did we get here. I only found myself already back to my original appearance.

The waiting seemed like it was taking forever. My eyes almost never left the flickering red light below the word, "EMERGENCY".

Some passing people would take a glance at us and then resume doing their own business.

As I felt that it was getting hot. I raised my right hand in an attempt to loosen my cravat but I suddenly felt a surging pain in my shoulder.

Ah! I remember it now. My shoulder blade got dislocated.

"Is my daughter here? Were you the ones who brought her here?" Suddenly, we heard a voice of a woman followed by the tapping sound of the footsteps of two people.

I raised my head only to see a short and plump blonde woman. Behind her is a man with a receding hairline which is several times taller than her. Both of them are wearing an expression of worry and anxiety.

"Are you Miss Patricia's parents?" I asked in a voice devoid of life.

"Yes, we are. And you are?"

"I'm Jack."

"Mr. Jack, I'll have to thank you for bringing our daughter here. I'm Carlos, Patricia's father." the man behind her spoke as he extended his right hand at me. But seeing that I have a splint, he awkwardly smiled and took it back.

"Uhh… Good day, sir and madam. I—I was the coachman during the accident." the coachman who is now standing behind me said nervously, "I'm Patrick."

Exactly after the coachman introduced himself, the woman's attitude and the air around her changed almost instantly.


"Excuse me for interrupting you good sirs, madam. The patient, Miss Patricia is already awake." But before she could even lash out, she was cut by a woman, probably in her 30's, wearing a scrub.

"Where is she? Can—Can we see her?" she then began asking hysterically. While the man behind her heaved a sigh of relief.

"She's at the emergency room. Fortunately, you can visit her now."

Rows of hospital beds were the first thing we saw as soon as we entered. Some patients are lying on some of them. And at the second to the last is Miss Patricia, looking at us with her deep, ocean blue eyes. Her blonde hair was in disarray. She also has a bandage wrapped around her forehead.

"Mama, papa…" she said but then her eyes turned wide as soon as she saw me not wearing my disguise. "W—Why…" she asked but her voice cracked in the end. And a drop of tear streaked down her cheeks.

The couple misunderstood this and started comforting her. "Baby Pat, stop crying, okay? Were you hurting somewhere? Should we call the doctor?" being comforted for the wrong reason probably made her emotional as she started sobbing.

"No, I'm fine," she said before giving me a questioning look. She's probably wondering if I told her parents so I shook my head lightly. Only then did she finally relax.

Maybe finally realizing the situation she is in. She jolted and she put her hands on her womb.

Yes, that's what I'm worried about as well.

She started mumbling some incoherent words as she shook her head side to side.

"Please call the doctor mama," she said almost pleadingly.

Not long after that, a doctor wearing a white coat came. He has a stethoscope hanging at his neck.

"Good day to you, Miss Patricia. And to everyone as well." he had a smile on his face so I am guessing Miss Patricia is probably fine. " I'm Doctor Bean. Is there anything I can be of help with?"

"Doc, my baby. Is my baby fine?"

"Baby?!" simultaneously, the couple asked. They were totally surprised.

Everyone is looking at the doctor. Probably wanting some confirmations but we can only see confusion in his face.

He flipped through the papers he had with him and said, "I may be misunderstanding something, Miss Patricia. But you're not pregnant."